Sunday, January 5, 2020

”Let's try it!" is a "narrower gate than getting into Tokyo University" ”The worst evil is not moving at all"

Yesterday was "Super Hashimoto Academy" in Nagoya (lol) 


"You won't grow even if you do something you don't like. 

Since you only got one chance at life,
do what you love. 
If you do that, eventually that will contribute to society"
(Soichiro Honda)

From Noda-san mail magazine・・・

What comforting words, are they not?

It's our one chance at this life. 

Let's do what we love! 
Let's do what we love! 


I received an announcement about a new song from "Komeko"


There's no value in only ideas -Akihiro Nishino




We will learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine!


■ If you're unsure, choose "the one with nature"

┌1)What is a more effective walk?

Dr. Marc Berman from the University of Michigan
did this unique research in 2008.

He had 38 students from the university of Michigan
complete the following cognitive test to repeat the
 numbers they hear, but backwards.

After this, they split the subjects into two groups
giving them the following instructions.


Group 1

Take a walk in a secluded orchard for 55 minutes

Group 2
Take a walk in a urban area with heavy traffic for 55 minutes.

After this, all of them took the cognitive test once again.

The results were that their cognitive scores increased after the walk.

And, Group 1 that took a walk in nature had a 1.12 times
 higher score than group 2 who took a walk in an urban area.

"Resting in nature assists cognitive recovery"

This may be expected.
But what's interesting is from here.

┌2)If you're unsure, choose "the one with nature"

Next, the research team gathered 12 students from
the university of Michigan, and did the same cognitive test.

After the test, they are again separated into groups,
but this time, with different conditions.


Group 1

Gaze at 50 photos of scenic nature for 10 minutes.

Group 2

Gaze at 50 photos of urban areas for 10 minutes


Could the same results be found
even without going for a walk and just looking at photos?
The results were that their cognitive score went up, even after looking at the photos.
And Group 1 that looked at photos of nature had a cognitive score 1.04 times higher than Group 2 that looked at photos of the city.

Even just looking at photos of nature
helps humans regain their attention.


If you're unsure, choose "the one with nature"


We can always regain our intrinsic power.

Thank you for reading!

Reference for today's episode is from below, taken with gratitude.

▼ The Cognitive Benefits of
Interacting With Nature
Marc G. Berman,John Jonides,and Stephen Kaplan
