Wednesday, December 4, 2019


Yesterday was Sapporo!


Talk Live in Sapporo!!!

The afterparty was great too!

Nagata-kun, what was the name of the shop we went last night? 

Today is Super Yamazaki Academy in Nagoya!(lol) 

Had an exciting conversation about fishing!
I'll go in Osaka someday soon. 
"Chivas" at night・・・

Appreciation to those in each region!

Thank you for the photos yesterday!


This is a nice song〜♪


Thank you for all your comments. 

I'll continue with himalaya!!! 

The online salon, 
I'm glad that everyone said they like it and that it's good! 

It's Takato Fukushima.

Today are excerpts from "Words that change you" 
written by Noda-san and Takumi-san.


I've written my own interpretation on top of 
Takumi-san's interpretation of the quote. 

Here we go.

【Words that change you】(from p49)

"What is something you love so much that you just can't stop? 
What is it that you enjoy doing? 

When 2 hours have passed before you noticed, what is it that you are doing? 

What would you like to do even if you had to pay money. 
What is it you want to do even if you weren't paid? 

Did something come to mind? 
・・・And don't stop doing that thing"

Why I chose this↓↓

This book "Words that change you" is a selection of famous quotes selected by Yoshinari Noda who is an active and well-known business consultant. Takumi-san then breaks it down in a way that is easy to understand. 

This phrase I chose, was written about the following quote. 

"To get luck on your side, 
you must continue doing what you love." 

When I became an adult, I can't find what I want to do. 
There are less things I can become passionate about compared to when I was a child. 

If you feel this way, please do think about this content. 

What you can become so "engrossed in" that 2 hours easily pass by. 
It's proof of being totally immersed in that world. 

What you're willing to pay money for to enter into that world. 

It will lead to your growth and expanded perspective. 

Furthermore, if it can be useful in your work, and also contribute to others, you definitely shouldn't quit it. 

When I felt discouraged and down, 
this one word of "don't stop doing what you love" has encouraged me many a time. 

"Words that Change you" is full of words that bring happiness that can be shared. 

I hope that it will help you to take that first step.