Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My friend YuSammy was invited by Sakurai-san of Mr. Children and participated in the LIVE!

Sakurai-san from Mr. Children invited 3 groups of musicians he liked and permed a Christmas live for the 100 guests at MIFA football park in Toyosu! 

Sakurai-san himself was the MC, as he said that there's no one more appropriate than himself to introduce each of the 3 musician groups!!! 

My friend Yusammy was invited to this. During the live, he brought his guitar and played as a guest, and the two of them performed Yusammy's "I Believe" and Mr. CHildren's "HANABI" together. 

Sakurai-san introduced Sammy as "Japan's greatest singer with a guitar!! Wow! So happy to hear that. 


"It is the greatest of all mistakes 

to do nothing 

because you can only do little

--do what you can. "

Sydney Smith) 
doing nothing, 

is a great mistake.

From Noda-san mail magazine

Even the small things you do can unexpectedly 
can actually have a big effect〜 TAKU

The 365th power of 1.00 is "1"
The 365th power of 1.01 is "roughly 38"
The 365th power of 1.02 is "roughly 1400" 


The 365th power of 0.99 is "0.03" 
It's basically 0. 

Let's add 0.01 to your day! 
Let's add 0.02 to your day today! 
What is that?! 
What would that be? 

What is the 0.01 that you tend to cut corners on before knowing it? 


2020, ANA, JAL Era of "making best use of miles" is coming! 

The great earthquake that will undoubtedly come…Discovered with latest data, 
Nagoya and Yokohama "X Day"

Let's learn from Ken Honda's Online seminar (column) !


 5 tips on how to make your ideal life a reality

I'd like to share 5 tips today on 
how to make your ideal life a reality

1)Set clear way points that include deadlines and numbers 

2)Hang out with friends who can enhance and bring out the best in each other and encourage one another.  

3)Decide with your intuition and catch that opportunity

4)Ride the wave of synchronicity  

5)Keep your eyes on the best possible future and act strategically. 


Today I've chosen excerpts from 『The good luck textbook』

As also written in the book, if you can control your own luck, even a little bit, you will likely be able to live a very different life than the life you've lived till now. 

I'd like to introduce a quote I like about "luck" 

This is something that actress Maki Horikita was saying on a TV program. 

Important "aiueo" for Life
「a」=「ai (love)」
「i」=「Inochi (life)」
「e」=「en (connections)」
「o」=「on (favor) 」

People who place important on "love" "life" "connection" and "favor" will come into "good luck"  


【The Good luck Text book】
(p:183 Taken from "If you increase things you are excited about, your luck also increases?" )

" What is the 'Special Magic" to enjoy your daily life and routines? 

That is the posture of your heart that "I'll enjoy my life more!" 
To chase out the "musts" out of your life, and fill it up with "things you are excited about". 

Why don't you decide this time, that you'll only do work and play that excites you!" 

Why I chose this↓↓

Morning prep, commuting, preparation before work, cleaning up, getting ready for bed, etc... there are many things that repeat the same routine daily. 

There are lots of things that must be done. 

As written in this textbook, "the posture to enjoy life more" 

this is truly important. 

There's something that I am trying for this. 

In my daily life, I write out "one thing to be mindful of", one thing to be conscious of that day. I do this daily. 

For example 
・watch my posture
・support those around me
・During tomorrows work, clean up one thing.

etc... I write up a few things I want to be conscious of that day. 
Usually I try to keep it within 3-5 things that I can definitely do. 

Doing so, usually once every two days, 
there are days that I can think 
"Aaaah, today was a good day!" 

The mental fatigue of "Just doing what you are given every day on repeat" and "time passing with continuous trial and error" is so very different.

This is my own way of "having a posture to enjoy every day life"

In "The Good Luck Textbook" it talks about "really small habits" that you can try implementing in your daily life to increase your luck.

There is a whopping 50 different tips! 

If you want to life a better life than now. 
Or you want to increase your luck, even just a little bit.

Anyone who think that way, please try at least one of the 50 tips included in this book.