Wednesday, November 27, 2019

If you’ve lived an entire incarnation and all you’ve done is lived in the status quo, you’ve wasted an incarnation.

When you share this book, please hashtag #mazubaka 



Awesome quote by the 4 stage person. 


We arrived here to expand the paradigm, to shift the status quo. 
If you’ve lived an entire incarnation and all you’ve done is lived in the status quo, you’ve wasted an incarnation🤭

Those who newly sign up to the Online Salon "Super Yamazaki Academy" 
going forward, please follow the steps below! 

(*This salon is specifically is for Amway ABO's )

★For new sign ups to Online Salon "Super Yamazaki Academy" 

★Please sign up to the mail magazine from Super Yamazaki Academy! 

Via the e-mail we will inform you how to apply for the DVD video that is released monthly and other information from Super Yamazaki Academy. 
You will need to apply for the DVD every time, so if you miss the mail magazine then its possible that you will forget ordering your DVD. 
So please sign up to receive the mail magazine!!
If you no longer wish to receive it, you can unsubscribe at any time. 


For enquiries, please clearly state your name, e-mail address and details of enquiry. 

Also, regarding enquiries saying you can't listen to the online salon, in addition to the above, please add the reception number you received when paying for the online salon (when you log in  with your e-mail address a number will show up, its that number) 

Or, please clearly state your username that shows up as your profile when you made an account with Himalaya. 


It's Takato Fukushima again. 

This time I've included excerpts from the book 『Garatto』

We're all adults here, 
"so you make yourself feel good and in a good mood" 

This book includes easy methods and steps you could start right away! 

Here is my selection.


【Garatto】(p263:+Planned design)

"Create things yourself that you will look forward too. 
At least one thing per day. A consecutive build up of these things are what will make a wonderful life, right? 

You love yourself and want to take good care of yourself. 

Only the you who thinks that way is likely able to make those around you happy as well."

Why I chose this↓↓

It's the same as the phrase 

"Life is not about finding yourself, but creating yourself" 

It's important to not find what you enjoy, but create what you enjoy. 

If you could find even one fun thing every day, and all those things add up and continue, for anyone who is bored with themselves or their lives now, their daily life will likely change "garatto!" (all of a sudden and completely) 

In the past, 
I used to make excuses that i couldn't find anything fun, 
and only did what was put before me. 

I repeated the same thing day after day, and always had the same complaints with the same friends. At the time, gossiping and complaining was the only thing that made conversations interesting. 

And somehow I mistakenly thought it made me feel better or more refreshed, and I'd go back to my daily life. 

That's how I was living my life at the time, so far from creating something fun, 
I couldn't even find it. 

Before I knew it, my personal life just about fell apart. 
If you don't take good care of yourself, you become more rough with others. 
And I would take it out on others every day・・・

If there is anyone who is living like I used to. 

Please do try this 
"Create at least one fun thing for yourself each day" 
that's written in this book. 

It can start off with even really small things. 
Even something that if someone else saw it they would laugh because its such a tiny thing. 

If you are enjoying it, then that's plenty. 

If every single day is too much all of a sudden, then how about starting off with once a week and slowly increasing it. 

When I first started, if I could create something fun once a week, that was good. 
Then it slowly increased to 2 or 3 times a week, and now I'm able to find ways to enjoy myself every day. 
(Writing this "FUKU select" is also one of the things I enjoy) 

Don't know how to create something fun? 
If you have that question, the answer is simple. 

"Ask those around you who are enjoying their every day"

And try what they are doing, and continue "what fits you". 

If there's no one around you who is enjoying their every day ・・・

Please read 『Garatto』
Those who already have it, please read it again. 

In this book, Takumi-san writes about a variety of ways from different angles to "let yourself have fun". 

If you've only read it once, there will be lots of points you missed. 
I was the same way! 
So I read it again and again! 

By doing just that one thing that will allow you to enjoy yourself each day, 
you will learn how to take good care of yourself and value yourself even more than now. 
And when you take good care of yourself, you can be kinder to others too. 

You will learn to make not only yourself happy, but those around you as well. 

This book taught me how to "garatto (suddenly and completely)" change my life.