Monday, October 7, 2019

"The past 1 year of billionaire' they spent their leisure time Top 30" And the 1st Place was....

Today we will learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's Mail magazine


■ If you can immerse yourself, you can succeed 

┌1)Millionaire's in fact aren't always going on cruises
Thomas J. Stanley, guru on marketing to the affluent in the USA,
conducted an interesting survey . 


He surveyed to find the results of 
"Top 30 ways that millionaire's spent 
  their leisure time last year." 


The target was 733 billionaires. 

The results were unexpected. 

For example・・・

What many people imagine of a 
「Cruise on a luxury liner」 entered only 30th place.

In other words, last place.

So, what took first place?

┌2)If you can immerse yourself, you can succeed

First place was・・・


「Receiving advice from tax specialists


In the past 1 year, 
【85%】of the millionaire's had done this. 


"Millionaires are always immersed 
in the research of
how to leave their wealth.
This is why they are millionaires"


It is a disarming 
yet simple fact.

Making your dreams come true is the same. 


Find something you can get 【immersed in】
Pour in your 【time】and【money】and
【energy】there, and continually pursue it. 


It may sound a little difficult. 

But don't worry. 

What's most important is that 
you find a dream that you can 
get 【immersed】in. 

Next, I'll invite you to learn how that looks. 

Thank you for reading today. 
The references for today's episode are below. 
With appreciation. 

"The Millionaire next door"

Published by Bunkyosha in 2019
Author: Thomas J. Stanley  
Translated by:  Masahiro Hirose


Oh really?
That's what it was?


Fukushima Select↓↓↓

"A book with the worlds' kindest laws of success" is as its title, very "kind" content.

I chose the part that gave an example about
 "If you push yourself too hard, then things may stop going well."

世界一やさしい成功法則の本―今日にでも、別人になれる言葉 (知的生きかた文庫)世界一やさしい成功法則の本―今日にでも、別人になれる言葉 (知的生きかた文庫)

【A book with the worlds' kindest laws of success】(Excerpt from page 68)
"To aim for something" and "to be obsessed with something" are two very different things. "Aiming for something" is very important, but "obsessing" may sometimes mess up the way you live.
The reason why I chose this:
A certain amount of tension is needed, but if you're too nervous and stressed out, then its hard to perform well.

"Aiming for" dreams and goals is a good thing, but if you go to the extreme in pursing them, then it can become an "obsession" and things start falling apart.

I've also experienced this. 
The moment I start feeling like I want people to acknowledge my effort, and start expecting something in return from the other person, what I wanted distanced itself from me. 
Once you realize that maybe you've gotten a bit too stuck on something, or are allowing yourself to carry too much of the burden, it may be a good time to "let it go" (not in the sense of quitting) but to reset. 
Once your emotions have reset,
then you can once again "aim" for your goal, and adjust in the right direction.

This phrase taught me to take it easy, relax more and that we I do so, things might go surprisingly well. 


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Look who I bumped into in the Philippines!

What a surprise〜!

Also bumped into him in Nagoya!(lol)

Talking with Mark is always stimulating!

Such an interesting person!

So much excitement from morning〜!

Thank you for today〜!