Thursday, October 3, 2019

Since I was so moved, I planned it again, in Osaka!

If you're going to use a ”Resigning agency” you might as well just not show up!?
Hands tremble just calling your boss・・・
Is that so〜
That's・・・from from happiness・・・

Please come to this seminar in Osaka! 

Breaking away from Dualism・・・

We were created with dualism. 

Front, Back
Good, Bad
Can, Can't 
Black, White
As long as were are in this dualism・・・
It's nothing more and nothing less. 

I invited Akio Hiramoto-san and planned a collaboration seminar in July! 
Sine I was so moved, I planned this!

Please know that the principle that is higher than the『Law of Attraction 』is =『The Law of Opposites』

If that were't so, ・・・In the end it'll be lopsided and fall. 

If you always only focus on the frequency you want to attract (good) 
it's a law of nature that opposite frequency events that you don't desire, 
will also happen in order to maintain balance. 

If you don't also accept the opposite frequency (what you don't want) 
then you'll also attract events that you don't desire. 

You'll become a 『one-hit wonder』but be pushed back by the opposite frequency!

So, how do you deal with it, and how to think about it??? 
This time, the theme of discussion will be "The Law of Opposites" 
Look forward to it! 

Orders cannot be cancelled once made. Thank you for your understanding. 

  October 10th (Thursday) 


Umeda Act Three

Takumi Yamazaki 
Akio Hiramoto
  Advance      1500円
  On the day    2000円

   The Law of Opposites

How to order tickets 〈Yokoyama〉

 Please be sure to include your contact info. 

[Akio Hiramoto Profile]

One of the few Japanese who acquired 
Adler School of Professional Psychology M.A. 

1995年 阪神淡路大震災で両親を亡くしたことを機に、一念発起して渡米。
2001年 ニューヨークテロ直後、日本に帰国。北京オリンピック金メダリスト、メジャーリーガーなどのトップアスリートや有名俳優、上場企業経営者をコーチング。産業、医療福祉、教育、政治、芸能など各業界のリーダーや、起業家もサポート。


【SUGOI!Way of Learning】(from page 259

『Why am I learning? 
Why do I want to be successful? For what? 
When I become successful, who do I want to make happy? 
When I search for the true answers deep inside my heart, I arrive at one answer』

Why I selected this:
What's important first of all, is "how to BE, rather than how to DO" 
More than studying, and before knowing about the importance of learning, start with how you want to BE? 
"Who do you want to appreciate and give back to, through learning?" 
If you change the "I" to yourself, in the above excerpt, you will be able to ask yourself good questions that will elicit good answers. 
What you learn will lead to contribution to somebody. You want to make someone happy. So by clarifying who that "someone" is, your quality of learning will increase. If there is someone who has never thought about these things, I hope it's a good opportunity to think about it in this way. 

【SUGOI! Way of Earning】(from page 57)
『Going forward is "the era of polishing". 
Not the "self discovery" that was once popular, but we have entered the era of "self-polishing." 
Polishing yourself, and turning your strengths into content. 
It is now the era when teaching your own experiences, knowledge and methods, will become work.』

Why I selected this:
"Life is not about finding yourself, it's about polishing yourself (creating yourself)" I love these words. 10 months after this book was released, the era in Japan changed from Heisei to Reiwa. This book was published at the very best timing when the era did indeed change. 
This is a phrase that allows us to think about "how do we want to earn" in the new era? 
Start with "content that you are most passionate about" and then brush yourself up from there. 
Reading the book while truly understanding this phrase, will take away your mental blocks about making money or receiving money, and you will find plenty of hints on how to thrive in the coming era.