Saturday, October 12, 2019

Continually switching onto the "ascending escalator" ....continue drawing until you win


Typhoon information in English

Why Masayoshi Son continues to change his main business


Keep switching onto the "ascending escalator" 


Softbank has continued to switch escalators, 
along with the times. 


It started with selling software, 
publishing computer magazines, 
Mobile communications, 
and switching to robots, 
and then IoT through the acquisition of ARM.
Making the switch to the ascending escalator 


By watching Masayoshi Son, 
you learn that the most important job of a business owner is to continue to look for "where is the next ascending escalator?" 


He places importance on the employees. 
Employees are also used to change. 
Cycles for new businesses come around every 3 years ・・・


Changes the main business in order to not have to lay off anyone


Mr. Son
is always looking for areas of growth that exceed current businesses. 


How does Mr. Son find the ascending escalators? 
The answer to that is to read 「technology's trends」
Narrow band, broadband, wireless....the trends of technology have changed from one to the next. Next, 5G is on its way. 
「Once the soil of a new infrastructure is in place, that is when the service will blossom」
After creating the「Infrastruture for 5G」next will come 「5G services」
 After the broadband infrastructure was in place, immediately the ADSL networks were built, and we launched 「Yahoo! BB」. 
After the wireless infrastructure was in place, we bought cell phone bases, and next offered services using the iPhone and smart phones. 
The only thing Mr. Son doesn't change is his "vision" 
"To create people's happiness through an information revolution"
 「We are aiming to be a "enterprise that is most needed by people in the world" and that contributes to people's happiness through a information revolution.」
What Mr. Son himself often said was that "I can't continue to think wholeheartedly for 24 hours about things that don't match with my vision." 
Once you get that absorbed in a business, then good ideas will overflow, people, things money and information will come to you, and the probability of success goes up. 
If you raise the flag of your vision, then the people who resonate along with the things, money and information will gather around you. I then take the resources gathered, and make it into a business, create value and re-distribute and share it with everyone in the world.   
This is Mr. Son's way of thinking. 
Why can Masayoshi Son predict the "future"?

CEO Masayoshi Son's business management style is said to be  「time machine management」
「Lottery box strategy」
「Keep drawing until you get a win」
Those who people think are "have good luck" 
are all doing the same things. 
1 Choosing the lottery box that seems like it has the most wins 
2 Lowering the cost of drawing the lottery.
3 Continue drawing

The probability of businesses that are successful in the USA to be successful in Japan is high. In other words, its a lottery box that is more likely to have wins, so keep drawing」
There is a reason why I chose a Joint venture. That is because you can "create it at a lower cost." 
At a scale of "even if you fail, the company won't go bankrupt." 「
「A 70% winning rate is fine. If you fail the rest of the 30%, it's not a problem if you withdraw right away.」

To begin with Mr. Son started his business the field of IT, 
because he thought "It's an industry that is sure to develop going forward". 

”Moore's Law" supported this. Put simply, it says that "the efficiency of computers doubles every 18-24 months." 
Mr. Son knew about Moore's law from this time, and assumed that there would come a day when computers superseded the human brain in processing power, and that therefore the IT industry will permanently continue to develop. In other words, he was confident that launching a business in the IT industry was like getting on the "ascending escalator" . 
Mr. Son is by no means "predicting the future". He simply finds and rides the "ascending escalator". This is why he was able to grasp more "wins" and from other CEO's looks as though he could "foresee the future." 
Appreciation to everyone in the regions!