to decide today, what you must change.
If you do this, tomorrow will be different from yesterday. 』
(Izchak Adizes, Business consultant)
From Noda-san mail magazine・・・
↓↓↓In TAKU'S opinion (lol) ↓↓↓
Say you have a "goal".
When you think, "how can I achieve it?" having a "plan" comes up.
There are people who dislike "goals" and "plans."
If you are in a long-distance relationship,
and thinking about when you can meet becomes "too heavy"・・・
isn't it simply that they "don't actually want to meet" ?
If goals don't equal joy, then it's not a "goal" (lol)
If you think・・・
I want to meet at least once every two months!
Wouldn't you want to make a plan?!
For how you can cover for "the time" and the "trip cost"?!
Is there anyone who says,
"I want to meet once every 2 months
But planning is too much trouble!!!"
Perhaps they don't actually want to meet?! (lol)
Goals and planning・・・All of it is a joy!
Three-dimensional conversation method↓↓↓This is so important!
The audio starts from around (11:20)
"the weak parts of defense
I wanna eat yakiniku (grilled meat)〜!(lol)
Foie gras is banned now in New York too.
In California, Fukahire (shark fin) has been banned also, from a while back.
It's Takato Fukushima!
In today's Fuku Selection, I've chosen excerpts from 『Men Maji』(Mental management)
In today's Fuku Selection, I've chosen excerpts from 『Men Maji』(Mental management)
This book『Men Maji』covers
「Mental Management」
「Mental Management」
![]() | めんまじ (SANCTUARY BOOKS)
【Mental Management】is・・・
how to work together with your heart,
to achieve what you want in a smoother way.
『Men Maji』is mostly based around two main characters (sometimes its a dog)
「TAK」who takes it easy and is always relaxed and smiling.
「ᖷAK」who is uptight, has a scowl on his face and is very temperamental.
What they both have in common is that they both have positive personalities.
Only their way of getting along with what's on the inside is a little different.
I think that both
「TAK」and 「ᖷAK」exist inside of everyone.
What they both have in common is that they both have positive personalities.
Only their way of getting along with what's on the inside is a little different.
I think that both
「TAK」and 「ᖷAK」exist inside of everyone.
Here is the excerpt from 『Men Maji』!
【Men Maji】(excerpt from page 69)
『Don't look at things from the perspective of "its no good"
【Men Maji】(excerpt from page 69)
『Don't look at things from the perspective of "its no good"
See things from the premise of, "it's going to be alright" 』
Why I chose it↓↓
Why I chose it↓↓
I first read this book 『Men Maji』when I was 24 years old.
A friend lent it to me when they saw me full of complaints and anxieties,
they said,
"This is a picture book, and it's enjoyable reading. Why don't you give it a try?"
I saw myself in the 2 main characters in the book 「TAK」「ᖷAK」.
It felt like the 3 of us were reading this book together.
I saw myself in the 2 main characters in the book 「TAK」「ᖷAK」.
It felt like the 3 of us were reading this book together.
In my case, when I'm doing wha I love and doing good,
「TAK」shows up strongly.
Conversely, when I feel anxiety, or am not doing good, or before I have to do something I don't want to,
「ᖷAK」shows up strongly.
When 「ᖷAK」shows up,
thoughts like
「I wonder how I should do it?」
「It probably won't go well even if I do it〜」
go through my head.
And with a super serious face・・・
In other words, thinking on the premise of things "not going well."
「It probably won't go well even if I do it〜」
go through my head.
And with a super serious face・・・
In other words, thinking on the premise of things "not going well."
Instead, look at things like, "It'll be okay."
I learned that this is the part that's important.
I remember that when I returned the book to my friend, I said,
"I want to read this book over and over so I bought my own copy!"
My friend said with a smile,
"It was great wasn't it〜, yes, please read it many times and encourage yourself!"
This book『Men Maji』has many methods that can be put into practice in your every day life.
It's not even that 「TAK」is good and 「ᖷAK」is bad.
You'll realize that as you keep reading the book.
「ᖷAK」grows through meeting 「TAK」
「ᖷAK」grows through meeting 「TAK」
and 「TAK」can also grow because 「ᖷAK」shows up.
『See things from the premise of "It's going to be alright"』
This phrase has been a support to me and will continue to be in the future.