Me and my buddies analyzed companies that are doing well
What are the actions that bring results?!
A system that checks the "number of times".
Not craftsmanship (only you can do this! had low rating!)
An attitude of finding and looking for ways to copy were valued.
Interpreting language (concepts) and unifying that interpretation (Shared language!)
↓↓↓Does that make sense?↓↓↓
For example
Sales=Numerics bought by customers (does not necessarily equal)
≠ Numerics we sold!
The theme is "how to minimize as much as possible"
the "differences in understanding of language"
"I think it will sell" Your own subjectivity
"They sad they would buy it" The customers subjectivity
Buy for 10,000 yen and sell for 10,000 yen
Where is your value?
Buy for 10,000 yen, and sell for 12,000 yen.
2,000 yen is your value!
Profit=Your value!
The reason a certain company that offers recruiting services・・・
experienced sudden growth and success.
"The founder is aweome! They have hired the most "best personnel" !!!
At company-wide meetings・・・This is all they say!
"One excellent person that you want to work together with!"
(Someone like you!!!!)
If that's possible, then every year we will grow by leaps and bounds!!
A day to bring them (weekly)
An extravagant pizza party!!!(apparently its every Tuesday!) The pattern is decided.
Make a list of who is bringing who・・・Make a table!
Who is in charge・・・How will they meet the visitors and what to ask them.
Put a spotlight on that person!!!
Listen, listen, listen!
↓↓↓Next step of development
(Can we have a meeting?! And listen to and about their life!!!
From when they were born until today. No appeal from this side!)
And then, connect to a leader!
Not a Tee-up but connecting to the founder (leader)!
"That's similar to so and so! You're the same! I think you'll get along!"
More than dignity, it's about resonance!
The biggest impact in the "AI" speech!
Was that Japanese have a mistaken understanding of singularity.
It's not that computers will supersede humans,
Singularity, is when humans will get out of the framework of homosapients!!!!
From 50,000 years ago,
we've been using 200,000 times more energy per person!!!
So then, has our happiness increased 200,000 fold?
There is increased pleasures and stimuli,
But happiness?! Hasn't changed?! Has it?!
Happy people are・・・
Those who are making others happy!!!
They achieve 120% better results!!!
You apply yourself, take the test, and use your best score as your evaluation score! =Can be used for business!
Ability in society=Ability to survive!!! A world without answers!
To know ↓↓↓ Know but do you understand?
To understand ↓↓↓Understand but are you putting into action?
Move, Implement, Act・・・Turn into habits!!!↓↓↓Can you do it?
Can do it・・・↓↓↓Can do you, but are you?
Are you doing it?・・・↓↓↓If you can do it, "pass it on"!!
Can teach others・・・↓↓If you can teach others, have you systemized it? 伝承で
Have it systemized・・・
This brings with it a "wall of habit" 「習慣の壁」がある!!!
"Did you see it? Can you do it? Are you doing it?
Are you telling others about it? Are you telling others what to tell?"
You know it in your head but it's hard to do!!!
Because it's hard to make it into a habit!
Because it creates stress!
Do you know that it creates stress?
If you know it, then you can do it!
You can make anything into a habit in 3 months!!! =Till the point where it feels uncomfortable when you don't!
「New people」×「Your own test abilities (skills) x frequency (to who?)
(Has individual abilities? ) (All that's left is to do it!)
「Frequency」is something that even beginners can manage themselves.
How often can you contact them?
How many appointments can you make?
How often you can meet them?
How much you can talk to them?・・・
Make those goals in stages!
And evaluate those things well!
You just contacted them? GREAT!!!
Made an appointment・・・
Met them・・・
Talked to them・・・
Got a good answer・・・
Continued to meet them・・・
Steps steps steps!!!
manage their teams "amount of action" (pressure and management=in moderation)
And pioneer and pick up "more team members" along the way! !!
How did creatures survive?
It wasn't the strong, but those who were flexible and could adjust to change!
people can evolve!
The job of consultants (leaders)
is to give stress (=to help people have goals)
To question their amount of action!!!
(People are "weakened" when just 'results' are questioned. That's why→question numbers and amount of action steps taken!!!)but also how they can "meet new people". And they act!
The rule of picking people up!!!
Numbers are everything!
Popular guys・・・
Think, choose and fail a lot!
But as they continue doing the numbers ・・・
at some point, "they get it" (="do the numbers" until you "get it")
Can you show "success" in steps?
1)Success if you contact someone
2)Success if you get a reply
3)Success if you make an appointment
4)Success when you can actually meet them
5)When you can listen to "the other person's story
6)When you can connect・・・
・・・I found out that such "step goals" are necessary!
Connecting means "the other person winning" not you winning.
Focus on 2 months "Helping the other person win"!!!
ie)Snack→The customer who comes 6 times in 1 week will still be a customer a year later, more than a customer who goes 6 times (=Once every two months)
For the first two months, "meet them as often as you can." lol
Reporting/Communicating/Consulting・・・Is old!
It's now Chatting (Zatsudan) +Consulting (Sodan) =ZASSOU
When experiencing such rich information・・・
Please also experience this voice!
↓↓↓Though I've posted this on my blog countless times ↓↓↓(lol)
![]() | 天使の声 (1974年)
Apparently this book is good〜♪
『If you can't overlook small faults of others,
your friendship will not continue. 』
(Jean de La Bruyere, Writer)
(Jean de La Bruyere, Writer)
↓↓↓From Noda-san's mail magazine・・・
↓↓↓TAKU OPINION from here↓↓↓
Shut your eyes!
Pretend you can't see・・・
It's true.
So true.
The friends I was unable to do that for.
All left〜
The friends I could do that for,
are still here.
There are those friends who left〜
At that time, I couldn't see it as small faults,
but rather unbelievable〜
I feel bad about it now.
↓↓You can participate in listening to the audio for 1000 yen↓↓
4、November 8th (Friday)19:00-21:00
5、November 9th (Saturday) 8:00-10:00
3rd share meeting!!
Please be looking forward to the updated information〜♪♪
facebook live streams are left in the archives, so you can apply even after the share meeting is over!
Gary Quinn × Yosuke Hashimoto× Takumi Yamazaki
Collaboration event @Tokyo
Just coming here will increase your "self image"
and just being here will change your way of "seeing your friends."
The talk event by these 3 guests with special work that will pull up your vibrations ♪
I see!
It's a chance for those who are on local trains
to switch onto the express train
Starting today, please say, "I am an artist!"
New Zealand lost!!!
Wow, England, amazing!!!
New Zealand loses!
Guest:Writer・Novelist, Yuji Arakawa
Theme:"God and Motivation"
Appreciation to those in each region!
Thank you!
Thank you!