Monday, September 2, 2019

There are two types of self-axis "VISION-TYPE" and "VALUE-TYPE"

"Akio Hiramoto" who spoke at the Asa-Taku in Osaka the other day. 

It was a very insightful time! 

From his mail magazine


Good morning !!This is Akio Hiramoto

There are two types of self-axis!!

How do you want to become 5, 10, 20 years later? 

They gain motivation from the future dreams and goals that they envision and by doing so, can happily succeed. 
They are the 『VISION-type』

The other, 
brings to mind past fulfilling or meaningful experiences, 
and by fulfilling the values that are important to them, they can happily succeed. They are the 『VALUE-type』

In the world, we often hear those who say, 
Goals are important!!! You must have a dream!!! 

But those who succeed by having these dreams and goals are 

surprisingly !!!

A mere 20% of the Japanese people!!

There are only 20% of the  VISION-type, 

80% are the VALUE-type!!

That's why, 

even if you don't have clear dreams and goals that jump out at you, 
don't worry. That will put you in with 80% of the Japanese people. Ha. 

Instead, think about 

What is important to me? 

So that you can begin to live out and fulfill 
your personality and values, in your daily life. 


YOSHIDA SAUCE's Junki Yoshida

In September last year, Junki Yoshida was featured in NHK  program『Sarameshi』 and it will be re-aired. 

Details of broadcast
September 1st (Sunday) 8:25am〜 


I heard this book is interesting・・・
Eckhart Tolle


From Ayana


10 articles to become FDD

1.Know yourself

2. Always be conscious that you achieving will affect somebody

3. Have good time management 

4. Love the products

5. Don't do things your own way

6. Be conscious of those you spend time with (above F.DD)

7. Always point the arrow to yourself

8. Continue to go to the meetings and rallys

9. Not giving up no matter what happens, and not forgetting to be thankful no matter what happens. 

10. Don't stop direct sponsoring