Saturday, September 7, 2019

God leaves the best work for last, and that's prayer!

The Best Act 

What is the best act on this Earth? 
To age with a joyful heart, 
To rest even if you want to work, 
To be quiet even if you want to talk, 
To have hope when you are about to lose it, 
To obediently, serenely take up your cross. 
Even if you see young people energetically walking God's path, to not be envious 
To be humbly cared for instead of working for others, 
Being kind and soft even if you're weakened and are not useful to others. 
The burden of aging is a gift from God. 

This is what gives the final polish on your  old heart, so that you can go to your true home. 
To little by little take off the chains that keep you bound tot his world is truly hard work. 
When you can no longer do anything, humbly accept it. 

God leaves the best job for last. 
and that is prayer. 
Your hands cannot do anything. However, they can come together in prayer until the end. 
To pray for God's grace to be on all those you love. 
Once all is done, at the end, you will hear God's voice at the end. 
Saying, "Come, my friend who has abandoned all"

A friend sent this to me. 
There's a wonderful essence here.   --Taku 

『Keep distance from 

    people who dirty your big dreams.

 It's the small-minded people that 

        try to pick on people's dreams.

  Truly great humans

make you feel that you can succeed too.』

  (Mark Twain The Adventures of Tom Sawyer)


From Nodacchi mail magazine・・・


Beware of Dream Killers! 


I found this site!


Fishing girl

New remedy that regenerates your brain functions 
May be on the market in Japan by next year 


"SanBio" which has advanced its research on remedies to regenerate brain functions, recently developed a new remedy from stem cells. 

Yesterday I flew from the Philippines to Narita・・・
And then went straight to Tokyo

We had a fun time!
After party was at "Kurosugi"・・・

"The taste comes back" as I look at the photos!!!

It was really a great time! 

Let's pass through the 12th with 600,000 points! 

Please apply this to the size of your group〜!

Appreciation to everyone from each region!

Today I have a photo shoot in Shibuya!!!
So I'm rushing back to Tokyo by shinkansen!