Monday, July 29, 2019

"Six Secrets to Turning Seriously into Earning"

Couldn't do Surf.

changed to drink!




Aya Takano art.
I will buy one day!


These art・・・


 Mr. Ken Honda


It is Amazon 85th though it is before release.
"Happy money" Japanese version
Thank you for your support.

Ken Honda learned from Blaine Bartlett
First-class leaders who engage a lot of people are practicing

Six habits

[First habit: keep talking about your vision]
[Second habit: cherish connections with people]

Ken Honda column of money
"How do you use money pressure to improve your life?"

Ken Honda online seminar (column)
Six Tips to Switch Seriously to Earning Money

Hi, this is Ken Honda.
This month's theme is "money". Let's talk about the fourth week with the title, "six tips to put a serious switch to earning". Let's explain the six tips in order.

1) I am excited to please many people
Your earnings will be totally different depending on whether you are exciting one person, one thousand people or 10,000 people. How many people do you want to please? Let's think about it once.

2) I feel the pleasure of winning the best myself
I think many people are currently underperformance. When you compare to the best you can think of, many people are not living the best every day, but are living properly. I live every day within the range of your ability. So, ask yourself if you live every day with the best performance you can do. By living the best yourself, your earning power will naturally rise.

3) Imagine the life you raised one stage
You think that you are currently playing an active role in your current environment, but if you move it up one stage further, what kind of world or life do you think it would be? You should try to imagine it as realistic as possible. Get energy from there and let's get your current life up.

4) Find new fun
Now there should be more new ways that you haven't tried yet, other than the way you please. For example, if you are teaching something at a university, try teaching outside the university, writing a book, distributing videos on YouTube, creating content, etc. By adopting such a different way, you will be able to find new pleasures and earn new feelings.

5) Think about how to use your income
What will you do if your income is multiplied by 10? If you have 100 million yen of free money, how do you spend it? Think about it seriously. Thinking seriously about the use of money will also make you feel that you earn the money seriously.

6) Be responsible for your vision and talent
When you have a vision for the future, it will also be responsible for that vision. For example, suppose that there is a person who has a vision to increase people who care about animals from the viewpoint of animal protection. If you don't do that, you will always have the dream of an animal. That is the responsibility for the vision we have got. If you do not live your vision, it will return to you like a curse. This is also the dark side of talent. If you don't make use of your talents, you will suffer as much.

How was it? The more you please and the more you give to society, you can receive in the form of money. And you can put yourself in the circulation of a richer money flow by beating the money and having fun. By all means, put a serious switch to earning, and build a more free relationship with money.

Interview article of Mr. Shiori Oyama

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.