Tuesday, April 2, 2019

If you are 54 years old ... 60 years old in six years? !

The birthday soon

It is April.

Then the cherry blossoms begin to bloom.

54 years old ...

60 years old in six years.

(It hasn't been 4 years since the age of 50. There is recognition.)

60 years old

Age of Mr. Azumi, Mr. Kako and Mr. Hosomi.

Seito Nagatomo is about that time.

I want to meet~

About seventy years old after 16 years.

Yazawa Eikichi? !

Mr. Tatsumi, 67 years old.

What is the age of 70? !

Don't think about life

I want to know life

At what age and what should I do?

A 79-year-old teacher with a great respect went to heaven.

90-year-old (88-year-old teacher Hideyoshi Sakurai)

I die when I go to bed!

I die when I go to bed!

Prof. Yukio Mishima,

Seicho Matsumoto,

Prof. Yasunari Kawabata ...

A historical writer appears in front of her with body temperature ...

I had a teacher edit it and wrote "Gate of God".

What kind of scenery is the scenery from here ...


Meet amazing adults!

Entertainers, foreigners, musicians and ...

Everyone is dead but "one person"!

Same as you! ! !


I'll spread the foot.

If you want to pile mountains high

More widely.

Load it high or collapse it.


My parents die.

Parents get lost.


My friend dies.

People close to the best friend level also die.

Be grateful to be alive. 

I thought I want to watch again.

死ぬときに後悔すること25 (新潮文庫)死ぬときに後悔すること25 (新潮文庫)

1. I did not value health

I regret that I did not receive health care regularly when I got a sick I can't recover, and I receive regular health checks. Let's put the first priority on ensuring a level of health that does not die, rather than looking for the best in health through the use of health information such as television and magazines.

2. I did not stop smoking

Many people are aware of the harmful effects of cigarettes again after getting lung cancer and respiratory disease.

3. Did not show the intention of life

When you have hope for end-of-life care, such as life-long treatment or dignity death, you may end up with an end if you do not convey your will to the family while you can discuss it.

4. I lost sight of the meaning of treatment

Isn't it a treatment to spend meaningful time, but a treatment to prolong the life with pain? Let's try to be able to receive the terminal medical care meeting your hope.


5. I did not do what I wanted to do

Most people say, "Life was in a hurry." I regret that I should have done something that I want to do more with my shoulders relaxed.

6. I could not make my dream come true

That my dream did not come true, I did not do my best to make my dream come true. I regret that I could not keep my dream.

7. That I dyed my hands on evil

Even if you don't do bad things, you know that you've dyed your hands on bad things.

8. Having spent a lifetime swayed by emotions

You will notice that most things in life are not a big deal compared to dying. It seems that life with a negative feeling is often regretted.

9. Not being kind to others

People who have been kind to others seem to be able to be kind to themselves even if their death is over. Such people will have less regret even if they die.

10. I never believed that I believed the best

People who believe that they are the best are likely to notice becoming ill. If you live humble you will regret that your life has changed.


Society, life

11. I did not decide what to do with the heritage

By not thinking about heritage inheritance while being healthy, it is possible that it becomes a conflict rather than inheritance.

12. I did not think of my own funeral

It seems that there is a feeling that I do not want to cause trouble to the left family.

13. I did not go home

Since there is a tendency to reflect the past when the death is over, I will not regret, but let's go to the hometown and tombs while moving.

14. Did not eat good food

If you get sick, you will lose strength and can not eat. As taste may change, let's eat favorite and delicious thing while we are fine.

15. I did not spend my time on my hobbies

Hobbies = People at work will not be able to do anything when they get sick. I spend a great deal of time as much as I have something I can devise even if I get sick.

16. Did not travel to the place I want to go

If you have a place to go, let's go to a healthy place. I can not go after getting sick.


17. I did not meet the person I wanted to meet

I do not know what life there is. Let's not regret if there is a person you want to meet.

18. I did not do a memorable love

You need love in your life.

19. Did not get married

The bond between the couple relieves the suffering of the moment.

20. Did not raise a child

Patients who have been involved in your family are likely to have a smile even at the time of the accident.

21. Did not marry your child

If your child is not single and standing alone, you will regret it at the moment.

Religion and philosophy

22. I did not leave a proof that I went

It seems that there is a desire to complete one's life as meaningful by leaving something.

23. I could not overcome the problems of life and death

If you don't think about the meaning of life and death before you die, you may be puzzled when you die.

24. I did not know the teachings of Shinto and Buddha

By thinking about death through religion, you can change the last moment with a peaceful mind.

Final volume

25. I did not say "Thank you" to my loved one

Even if you are in your heart, you may not be able to communicate without words. Let's say "thank you" to your most important loved ones so that you won't regret it at the end of the day. 


From morning・・・

どんな人でも好感度アップ! の声の魔法どんな人でも好感度アップ! の声の魔法

 I cut my hair today

In this article at the beauty salon ... Kurakura.


YOu can be ready yet.

Tyochu lady!!!

Thank you!

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.


Able to download if you click this site.