This was sent from my friend! ! !
walk! ! !
Walking is important.
Hunger! ! !
fasting? ! Half fasting! It is important
Getting sick when you leave nature.
Muscle, important!
Muscle = youth
I can live to 120 years old!
Hippocrates (Hippocrats, ancient Greek: πππκκάάης, English: Hippocrates, about 460 BC - 370 BC) is an ancient Greek doctor.
One of the most important accomplishments of Hippocrates (or Hippocratic faction) is the development of medical science from primitive superstition and sorcerer, to development of empirical science, which places emphasis on clinical and observation. Hippocrates
Honda Ken
This is a phrase that makes me crisp again.
To whom do you "watering today"?
↓ ↓ ↓ As I thought recently the most impact is this ~
It is not a competition with anyone
Dialogue with myself! ! !
Focus on yourself! ! !
Four steps to get what you want!
↓ ↓ ↓
1 · Clear goal
2 · Find a person with the same goal
3 · Act, help those person = sow seeds
4 · Who helped you today? ! = Joy, I love myself!
Bad people are blaming themselves.
Yesterday, "Iritaku" at Gunma
Merged at Tokyo Station and moved!
After the meeting we ate yakiniku and went to Tokyo・・・
Miyazaki on Feb 21st!
Thank you
At noon with Aki and "Takumi Yamasaki character's big anatomy" lol
Thank you very much.
It seems that "desire to attain" is better than anything else!
An idea that flew with the goal.
Type to formulate a strategy proactively ...
Gatsuri carnivorous system is it! lol
Toryumon new year party!
It was fun!
Yochan sang!!!
Melodious again!!
It was fun to drink after. lol
Rice in the night! lol
Important not to eat · · ·
Water between sake and sake is important · · ·
Takumi sign on the forehead.
Thank you for super performance!
Osaka from now!
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
So good! lol

Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.