岡崎 慎司
"The troubled man" Shinji Okazaki's book seems to be amazing! ! !
Yesterday was "Hot Yoga"'s first experience.
Besides, the shop here is somewhat different.
Body temperature, heat has been rising for 3 days!
It is an increase in immunity.

Did you sweat about 1 liter? !
The store manager of the Ebisu store is an old friend.
By all means, please go ♪

Detox · · ·
Body temperature up · · ·
Exe size · · ·
Exhilaration · · ·
I feel a sense of insufficiency.
Implicit that this is to move more body? !
The last 10 minutes of the 60 minutes exe size
It was a feeling of "help me ~".
Boiled frog's Fallen (laugh)
I was warming my body for about 30 minutes in the first half
I was in that Moon Mun for 90 minutes.
I got sweat from inside my body.
My body got warm.
Immunity will improve, is not it ~
Ebisu Garden East B1F 3-9-20 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0013
TEL: 03-5422-7822 / MAIL: info-ebisu-insea@magmalink.jp
The day before that
It was "Yabayaba seminar" in Shibuya.

To that compact
There is no seminar where that information came in is there?
I want to travel around this country with them ♪ ~ ♪

Fujita's products have drama.
Sawken 's LSC was also tough.
Compact OM, I let you do.
Leadership Seminar Club
Let's go to the Leadership Seminar and I will do it.
Mail order point card
Yamada Denki, Jarno Mileage, T Point · · · etc.
AW is different for every person.
For 70% people to use the product
Other people want to earn income
It is issued to 700,000 people
Some people want 50,000 yen a month
There are people who want 250,000 yen
20 million yen, 100 million people · · ·
"Do you have a member card?"
Take about 5 million yen and let's go for an invitation trip once a year!
People who want to be this is exciting and challenging
However, people who do not need it seems "it seems tough" (laugh)
I had the same experience in club activities
Players aiming for aiming
People in the return home say "It looks like a serious problem" and sidelines (laugh)
20 to 60 years old · · ·
From now on, even after 60
I can finish my lifetime work.
↓ ↓ ↓
Do you know this "meaning and value"? !
To tell "It's the end of my life's work"
It has become fun itself
The reason people in the world hire people
To increase the amount of work
AW can add work without pays
With 30 people, one day's work ends in one day
There are 365 people in a day and the work for one year is over
The point is people! ! !
I do everyday to increase the number of people.
Order the rest!
That's why goods are good!
A person who lives a life that "can not finish"
Person who lives a life that does not end
Those who do "ended work"
↓ ↓ ↓
Do you know this "meaning and value"? !
1. Make this a lot of users
2. Part time 2 ~ 50,000 yen / month
3. Working ↓ ↓ ↓ Movement is similar → do it
Four. Ownership ↓ ↓ ↓ The way of thinking is different → Sales = number of people and points
How many points this month? How many people? → Those who can not answer "3" type
There is a strategy. There is "countermeasure" that it is not good.
Enjoy it "fun!" !
"Basic knowledge" and "basic technology" are necessary for enjoyment!
If you own the owner, devise and act.
If you want to go to Dubai, think! ! !
Just do not count, it is not! ! !
If there was a free throw game ...
Please put in 6 rules within the time.
There are many balls.
Chasing the ball played on the goal = nonsense
Worrying about not entering the goal = nonsense
If you know the rules, you know what is nonsense
Yesterday was a "Suspicious Talking" seminar.
Thank you to everyone who participated!

Everyone before starting
They celebrated my birthday! ! !
Thank you!
Kiryu, thank you for the coffee!
Thank you Mr. Nagai for alcohol.

It is wonderful to have a senior to be aimed as an adult! ! !
An era in which individuals can transmit.
So the value of "way of speaking" is up.
"How to speak" = communication technique
People who gained this seems to have high incomes in statistics.
Are you learning? Have you not learned?
How to speak
I remembered like a foreign language.
Yoshida's story ...
It was the best! ! !
Doing what you are doing
To say
... When these three lines are lined up, it will reach "Sukyun" ♪
Same as essential amino acids.
It fits the lowest place.
Thinking good
You said good things
If it does not move
"You do not say!" (Laugh)
Extra edition···
Trust and reward in front of the middle eyes talking ...
Usually, you sit? ! (Lol)
From Noda Tsuchi Mail magazine ...
"What does not move
Create doubt and fear.
In case
Behavior is
Create confidence and courage. "
(Dale Carnegie)
There is Nodachi's e-mail magazine and line @.
↓ ↓ ↓
Can you take one third of banking business with advanced technology advancement? City reports
https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO 2925335011042018EE 9000/
Bank adoption declined even in Japan
Noticeable banking staffing
On the other hand
Financial companies affiliated with Alibaba
With small lot financing, credit rating triple AAA Alipay lending rather than revenue.
Composition that another company takes away the revenue source of the bank.
Yesterday was lunch with mizuki · · ·
I met for a long time. lol

[It is profitable information]
↓ ↓ ↓
4/25 from 13
Azabu Juban office, limited 2 people, Extension of Mizuki,
You can do 5900 yen for office special price 3900 yen.
(Skill is a good skill)
Applicants will be accompanied by staff

After that, I had a cup of tea.
Encounter with Nao & Fu Mei!
Thank you very much!!!

Go chan @ Shizuoka
Thank you!
He is a man~!
Model, actor, business and big success.
Takeshi's movie Go-chan ♪
Also, I wanted to see that movie! ! !

Even in Yokohama ♪
Thank you!
The movie has started!
In Wada family, the topic is luxurious ♪

Make seminar @ Kanazawa
How to have beautiful know-how! ! !
If you want to know this, please contact Makiron! ! !
Explosive Make Seminar in Hokuriku! ! !
Mr. Sakura, thank you!

Thank you♪
TO miho really.
In Yamaguchi, Fukuoka and Okayama.

Thank you Seiko hime!

Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.