Thursday, November 2, 2017

Let's pass criticism. Let's pass by.

Today is a hands-on restaurant! ! !
tree by naked
I went! ! !
Mr. Miura, a long time to see you again♪

It is the fusion of projection mapping and food!
Thank you Yukari, Sally.

Picture, here it is!

Afternoon yesterday・・・
met with Yuka・・・

after that
Oyster with Soken and Keijiro!
Thank you for the meal!

It was yummy♪

That oyster 's fly is bad! ! !
We drank 6 wines by 3 people♪
I was hung over and Gudaguda today!

Today's lunch is with Mika who is from New York ...

Tea in the afternoon ... 
With Yumi from Paris!!!

I surprised by outrageous name of popping out from her! lol
Mr. Takagi, thank you very much.

Thank you!

At Nikko Odaiba.
Thank you for dropping by!


Alan Cohen! ! !

↓ ↓ ↓

Let's pass criticism. Let's pass by.

I see! ! !


. .: * * ° + .. .: * * ° + .. .: * * ° + .. .: * * ° + .. .: *

If everything went wrong, let's try the truth next time.

. .: * * ° + .. .: * * ° + .. .: * * ° + .. .: * * ° + .. .: *


"Even if the wind blowing exactly the same,

One ship goes east,

A ship goes west.

It is not wind to decide the course,

It is the direction of the sail.

On the voyage of life

To decide the end to go,

It is nothing,

It is not a storm,

It is how to hold your mind. "

(Ella Wheeler Wilcox American writer and poet)

From Nodacchi Mail magazine・・・


Hiroshima 1st!
Thank you!

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.