Thursday, March 9, 2017

Today is Kaoru Nakajima's birthday event!!!

Today is Kaoru Nakajima's birthday event!!!
Pacific Yokohama♪

Baseball meeting!!!
I won't lose~♪

Next time, I will talk live with her! 

4/25 (Tue) Takumi Yamazaki · Mimi
"MARRY YOURSELF FIRST (First of all, marrying yourself)" lecture meeting supporting Japanese single working parents

MARRY YOURSELF FIRST (first marrying yourself)
Lecture to support Japanese working single parent

Event Description / Content
Give inspiration to the working single-parent, make you recognize your identity.

What can I do in the world that needs me?
Being responsible for actions and efforts that can influence your environment area while constantly communicating that children are the most important.

Discover new solutions (solutions) for work, realization of loans (funds), efforts.

Clarify the priority in life, you get the stressless present and the financial (goal) goal and the future where family happiness can be realized.

Go ahead for the goal (goal) and drown out "despair" and "negative reaction" from inside your head.
I find a new technique that brings happiness to my family.

I will also talk about "10 Positive Directions" on the day.

■ Event overview
Date and time: Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Open at 19:00
Starting at 19:30
Scheduled to finish at 21:00

Capacity: 30 people
Participation fee: 4000 yen
Multiple-person application discount: 3500 yen (In the case of participation by more than one person, I will consider this price.)
Club S member special price: Sanctuary publication Annual subscription members discount price 3000 yen
What is a great club S where the event becomes 12000 yen discount

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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.