My farther's death anniversary soon.

Basketball from today・・・

Takamatsu the day before・・・


Today I moved to Awaji Island again ...
Go to Date's Enzyme Bath!
Takumi Yamazaki, first enzyme bath in my life!
It is called Nuka heave,n "Sun San."

Enzyme bath, disaster!
It is amazing! It is amazing!
My body hurts gone so quickly.

"Hiramatsu eatery" of evening meal is superb!
Went to Takahashi Ayomi's Seminar!
Thank you very much.

Nice core.
Mr. Ayumu.

Thank you Imochan!
Thank you everyone!

Yarukino switch....all day!!!

You doing good~♪

Azabu juban office!

Thank you Daichi!!!

Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.