Saturday, September 17, 2016

NIngenryoku university yesterday! lol

I talked in Oshima san's Ningenryoku university!

Yarukino Switch・・・
new version.

Thank you everyone.

 Nobenver seminar!

This is Takumi Yamazaki!!!

I'll do seminar in Sydney~♪
Please come if you want!

This time
"Attentive pot" communication secret is the theme!
■ date and time:
September 15, 2016 (Thursday)
Afternoon 18:30 to 20:30
■ Venue:
265 Castlereagh St, Sydney CBD
(At the entrance of the intercom, press 2 and the bell mark.)
■ Admission:
$ 40
■ booking inquiry: (Dian Shin Yuri Ya)
I look forward to the meet you can do it! ! Yamazaki Takumi
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Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.