Saturday, September 17, 2016

Lists the "five people affected in my life!" ! ! And please write "What kind of impact have you received?"

Lists the "five people affected in my life!" ! ! And please write "What kind of impact have you received?" 


Can you do,

Beginning to come to Australia ...
How much longer?
Finally I start feeling~ ♪

Homework to you! ! !
Lists the "five people affected in my life!" ! !
And please write "What kind of impact have you received?" 

Kou san at Sydney!!!
Thank you for wonderful history!

Nabedemo in lunch!!!lol

Home meeting at the office!!!

Chinese team was doing nabedemo in the next!!!
we made Chinese food. lol

picture with everyone!

Thank you!

Thank you!


Thank you.

In Gunma?!


relationship air pollution in Alzheimer's disease

Discover the "magnetite" from the human brain


1 set, yeah~!

Mail magazine from Kinoshita kun・・・

All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.
(Ralph Waldo Emerson, the 19th-century thinker, philosopher)
\uc0\u12472 \u12514 \u12514  \u12491 \u12517 \u12540 \u12520 \u12540 \u12463

Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.