宮本 輝
¥ 497 |
Akira Miyamoto
Yesterday, Yocchan talked about this・・
「 Inochino utsuwa 」
Bad luck people is going to connect each other.
Bad luck people is going to connect each other.
Jealous people also.
Pure heart people is
Clean person and the encounter similar people.
And go each other ties.
Referred to as "Ruiha tomowoyobu."
Like the proverb contains
It is more interesting law
An encounter between people
I can only imagine are creating.
In the Buddhist words
Shukumei or Shukugo.
It can be said entrepreneurs.
It will stretch people
No matter how good relationship
Fall will become estranged from the people
Unawares the same as their own
It will intersect with stretch people.
Scheming in, rather than become so
Insidiously, it become that way.
Even if the resistance,
Those that make the human beings their own
The only human beings that share
will tied.
I recently finally
Present in this human world
I noticed in one of the law that a certain number.
The "encounter", is by no means accidental.
Otherwise, why "encounter" is
Going to become a turning point.
Or meet with any person
Than text ...
... now to Tokyo
I go to Osaka!

Playing, become rich and have to relax
Alan Cohen is saying.
Playing relax ...
And you feel you are lazy
a lot of people ... can't play very much. Taku
Queen Cook of the data card
Descriptive! !
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Shock photo came from Miyasako Kumi! ! !

Takumi Yamazaki Book, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.