Sunday, April 17, 2016

Osaka today! Meeting in Umeda from 10am・・・We can do anything wewant.

Meeting with Tsukada san from morning and going to massage after.

I went to kayo's gallery.

Please visit if you were in Osaka.~
This place will tell you
new things ・・・

I am meeting with Azumasan from now~♪


If you wanna change the world, you sould change your vision about the world.


Aran cohen's word is good.
What vision should we change?

If I start to wrtie about world,

this is so fun!lol


was so good!

LICA's sentence Movie『Kokorogasakebitagatteirunda.』・・・
was wonderful.
You can rental~♪

Protein to go is new products.
Thank you everyone!!!

Thank you everyone!

Wow! Kans!

A! Hiromichan.
Let'smeet in Takamatsu. lol

Thank you!

And ・・・

O! Takumi Yamazaki's fan!!!
sold in soon. lol
\uc0\u12472 \u12514 \u12514  \u12491 \u12517 \u12540 \u12520 \u12540 \u12463

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.