Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Kobe today. I talked from 10am~♪

Thank you Noda san yesterday.

Tsutaya in the morning@Umeda「Asataku」
Nodacchi's talk was fun~♪


Mail magazine from Nodacchi・・・

『 Happy person is 

 remembering only happy memories from the past. 

 Unhappy person is 

  remembering just opposed from it. 』

    (Rintaro Ogiwara by『Zetsubono toso』)


Thank you everyone.

Thank you Iwasakisan.

Yuka group♪
Well done!!!

I enjoyed talking with Masashi.
and we learned.

I wanna pictures from yesterday~♪


Thank you in Okayama yesterday.

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Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.