Thursday, September 10, 2015



Lunch with Wada chan♪
Thank you.

Wada house・・・
Congratulation for your new opening restaurant♪
I will visit~♪

Wadaya Nishiazabu

Mon - Sat
18:00 - 4:00(last order3:00)
17:00 - 24:00(last order 23:00)
Address3-17-22 Nishiazabu Minato-ku Tokyo
Modern film 1F・2F

Google マップで見る
Tokyo metro Hibiya line「Hiroo station」
 7 min by Exit3 


Thank you Kaneko kun last night
looking forward


『 It is not like theere is worth to appreciation.

We haven't notice the appreciation. 

  (Tenfpu Nakamura)

It touch my heart if it's Tenpu's word.

Mail magazine from Nodacchi・・・

We tend to forget the appriciation.


"Standong desk" to prevent back hurts in The U.S. Is this good for school too?


In many area in Japan♪

Thank you!

Thank you!

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fmodern\fcharset0 Courier;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red51\green51\blue51;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs26 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2

It was endless summer\uc0\u65281 lol

endless summer\u12539 \u12539 \u12539


Wow\u12539 \u12539 \u12539

bikini contest\u12539 \u12539 \u12539

Congratulation achievement\u65281

Thank you for fun night.

\u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343
\ \uc0\u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343
Thank you\uc0\u65281 \u65281 \u65281

\ \ \uc0\u12472 \u12514 \u12514  \u12491 \u12517 \u12540 \u12520 \u12540 \u12463 \ \
\ Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
\ Able to download if you click this site.}