Thursday, September 10, 2015

Life is not finding yourself, Life is making yourself.

Done of the day.

Thinking to fog bed.

I had archipuncture and feeling better now.

I am writing book now.
Thema is access code.

I found how to write again. lol

Hakata tomorrow.
Do my best♪


Life is not finding yourself, Life is making yourself. 


Mail magazine from Nodacchi・・・

Making myself sounds own intend.

Finding myself is found the exist already.

Current me not making future.
Future of me making ourself.


Yuko's achievement rall on 9/25 in Nagoya kokaido

Thank you!


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It was endless summer\uc0\u65281 lol

endless summer\u12539 \u12539 \u12539


Wow\u12539 \u12539 \u12539

bikini contest\u12539 \u12539 \u12539

Congratulation achievement\u65281

Thank you for fun night.

\u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343
\ \uc0\u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343 \u65343
Thank you\uc0\u65281 \u65281 \u65281

\ \ \uc0\u12472 \u12514 \u12514  \u12491 \u12517 \u12540 \u12520 \u12540 \u12463 \ \
\ Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
\ Able to download if you click this site.}