Arrived Paris~♪
Dalbish「Japanese are luck of protein 」His opinion about
「How many times I ate counts to thrive」「If I back to high school memory, most I ate was carbohydrate 」
Living is・・・
Adult paintings.
Saki told me.

Wedsday Kanpanera
Sold out\uc0\u65281

Please press\u12300 Yarukino Switch\u12301 from morning\u65281
How the motivation up\u65311
How to continue it\u65311
Dream come true maker
3rd Takumi Yamazaki tells how to satisfy your week.
Guest is \u12300 Yaritaikotowozenbuyarujinsei\u12301 \u12300 Sukinakotode okanewokaseguhouhou\u12301 Tomomi Hasegawa
Want to know\u12289 listen\u12539 \u12539 \u12539 we prepare Q&A corner
It is two construction.
\u9632 Apply
Please send me email
Subject\u65306 Asataku registration
How did you know this seminor\u65311
\u9632 Caution
\u12539 Eating and drinking is prohibited only something you bought in 9F
\u12539 Not allowed to tape record

It was endless summer\\uc0\\u65281 lol

endless summer\\u12539 \\u12539 \\u12539


Wow\\u12539 \\u12539 \\u12539

bikini contest\\u12539 \\u12539 \\u12539

Congratulation achievement\\u65281

Thank you for fun night.
\\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343

It was endless summer\\uc0\\u65281 lol

endless summer\\u12539 \\u12539 \\u12539


Wow\\u12539 \\u12539 \\u12539

bikini contest\\u12539 \\u12539 \\u12539

Congratulation achievement\\u65281

Thank you for fun night.
\\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343
\\uc0\\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343 \\u65343
Thank you\\uc0\\u65281 \\u65281 \\u65281

Thank you\\uc0\\u65281 \\u65281 \\u65281

\\\ Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
\\\ Able to download if you click this site.\}}