I arrived Shibuya finally!
arrived Azabu and had meeting with staff.
and Shibuya after!!!
Miho said I looks tired. lol
dream come true・・・wonderful life♪
Reality is actually very tough!
Everyday is like a circle of going Club, prepare for Festival, Juku and so on!
My mentor changed my life. he said 'write 100 dreams'!
Real one・・・is important.
passion might be hiding there!?
arrived Azabu and had meeting with staff.
and Shibuya after!!!
Miho said I looks tired. lol
dream come true・・・wonderful life♪
Reality is actually very tough!
Everyday is like a circle of going Club, prepare for Festival, Juku and so on!
My mentor changed my life. he said 'write 100 dreams'!
Real one・・・is important.
passion might be hiding there!?
people can make dream come true and not・・・
interesting life or not・・・
rich people or not・・・
What is different?!
thinking become reality?!
not what we think become reality・・・
the deep thinking become reality.
=self image
If we shift and change self image, our life changes!!!
What is the method?!
1)dream crazy one
we can get over from our self image.
2)successful people fly with successful people
Don't count you are small.
interesting life or not・・・
rich people or not・・・
What is different?!
thinking become reality?!
not what we think become reality・・・
the deep thinking become reality.
=self image
If we shift and change self image, our life changes!!!
What is the method?!
1)dream crazy one
we can get over from our self image.
2)successful people fly with successful people
Don't count you are small.
Jump to your dream people.
3)live life as the dream come true(=be pretend)
If you live as your dream came true already, you will be closer to your dream.
3)live life as the dream come true(=be pretend)
If you live as your dream came true already, you will be closer to your dream.
4)change what you say from mouth
use motivational words and cheerful words
If you can push yourself, you can push other people too!!!
three parts about mentality ・・・
self image
Consciousness means the image which comes up suddenly.
Unconsciousness is technique. You can do without conscious.(this is very easy to start!)
Let's make interesting life!
Let's make success to technique!
Please send me today's pictureー!

women juku!men can join too!(Horiemon is guest this time)
I will go to Las Vegas and New york this week.
I am going to start ramen store 'Takumen'
Taiwan, Hong kong and Australia this Jan and Feb!
I wrote 'Kaminomon' novel. It will be sold on Dec ♪
1/4 talk live with Ayumu Takahashi ♪
Hikari and Konomi sisters♪

Thank you Yamazaki Modern museum!

Thank you so much♪

Thank you so much♪

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.