The age has moving big.
What kind of leadership is needed nowadays.
Each generations, ages and so on・・・please be flexible!
Takumi Yamazaki's「new generation leadership DVD」is
sold in Oct 12th.
Most popular one「leadership method」
will be come soon.
Nowadays we need leader who can move our mind.
more「sensitive human」approach to leaders and
necessary skill will be explained.
In this DVD,
「coaching for leaders」is added and
talking with special guest is included.
Not only for Manager and Business owner,
for leaders essence is included.
Guest :Takumi Yamazaki
Guest:Yoshinari noda Satoshi Kabasawa
Price:7,900yen(with tax)
Sell:biz-inx online
1 change of leadership
2 Needs for leaders「ability of vision setting and achievement」
3 Needs for leaders「love」「frequency」
4 Needs for leader「self coaching」
5 Coaching for leaders
Talking 1 YoshinarI Noda × Takumi Yamazaki
Talking 2 Satoshi Kabasawa × Tayumi Yamazaki

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.