I went to Granpare to watch movie exhibition.

The spring of Paris change from rainy to cloud and cloud to sunny.

Cold recentry.

Sunday today・・・


『 it is no way to be late
to be yourself. 』
(Jorge・Eliotto British Author)
Mail magazine from Nodacchi・・・
How wonderful word.
「the image of want be」・・・
about your「image of want to be 」
Let's think from now ? Taku
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Cold recentry.

Sunday today・・・

Congrats the power of money♪
Spring wallet is now on sale.
Congrats the power of money♪
Spring wallet is now on sale.

Takumi Yamazaki produce
『 it is no way to be late
to be yourself. 』
(Jorge・Eliotto British Author)
Mail magazine from Nodacchi・・・
How wonderful word.
「the image of want be」・・・
about your「image of want to be 」
Let's think from now ? Taku
↓↓↓Please click this ranking↓↓↓

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.