I like this~♪
To Ogura from this morning・・・

remember of yesterday's Nagahama ramen・・・

Q&A meeting at 「gorone」, where is close by Yahata stationQ♪
I want to try Oxgen capsule♪ next time!


2nd point…not be accepted Hara coach's objection.
Report from Sachi・・・great for study~!
I could't talk about Mr. Ikeda's taught yesterday, so please listen my report.m(_ _)m☆
◆Don't grow in comfortable zone, better to grow up with designing feelings in uncomfortable zone.
◆It is exists only in outside of comfortable zone.
=It is normal that you feel uncomfortable, annoying, stressful, confused, no self-confidence and lose positive mind.!!!
◆We are controlled by our story(giving a significance), even which is not the fact.
◆We deciding the limit by not ability, by imagination.
I understand this more!!
Yesterday, Mr. Takumi was saying,
~ is keeping reality.
Chance might be there outside of ~.
It is actually related!!
I will write my illusion and dreams(^ー^)ノ
Sachi Okuno
I am in Okayama today・・・
This is Halloween Party
Halloween in Hamamatsu is scary♪

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.