Saturday, August 24, 2013

What will you regret in 10years

Mail magazine from Mr. Ikeda・・・


 ■ What you want to do by August.

What you want to do in this year.

 ・What do you want to do in 2014

It is important to make those list.

Anthony Ropinds said that「The secret of life is memory 


 「 The list of what do you want to do」,「Future 

 You need update frequently, otherwise the brain gets older.

So to keep it fresh,

first of all, please think about this without looking at the past list of it.

 In business, private, family

 ・What do you want to do within this year?

 ・What do you want to do in 2014?

 And「Humans are the emotional animal.」

If your wish is very strong, the wish will transfer to strong action.

The goal is not for future, for changing presently.

If you need the power to take actions, question with using imagination will be importantly.

 ・After 2013 end, what will you be regret by not doing it?

This regret teach us that we haven't realize and have seen reality.

We all knows the feeling of regret.

Maybe the end of life, we might face with we could do something more.

Why we thinks we can do more.

Human beings tend to think the limit easily.
When I start my seminor,
What pushed my back was
ask my self something I haven't asked beforehand.

This helped me a lot.

 「 After 10years, what will you regret? 」

 「If any problems will be disappears after 10years, what do 

you want to do. 」

We tend to stay in comfortable zone, which is easy way.

If you regret now it is just small thing.

This work is my ordinary work too.

 「What will we regret if we continue present way?」

New challenger is who avoid the problems, trying new things.

Anthony Robbins says

 「 High quality of question creates high quality of life. 」

 I am glad if this becomes a little hint.

 Takamasa Ikeda


Yesterday・・・Nagoya with three of us.
Mr. Kitakon. Mr. Yoshiyuki.

It was deep talk session.
I like this three♪

Great time~

Thank you very much.


Mail magazine from Nodacchi・・・

『5 things not been hate by people

 一、Communicate with people by no sense.

   Skilled people tend to communicate with bias more.

   Don't think much.

 一、Don't criticise.

 一、Look at the people's beauty and good points.

 一、Be careful with many hidden good things are in this society.

 一、Exhaust for people around you 』

   (Masahiro Yasuoka)


Baseball player, Ichiro hit 4000 yesterday・・・

「To hit 4000, I had frustration of 8000 times and came to face it.」

「 Has piled up of mistakes, and sometimes good happens . Just continuing of this.」

Thank you akkun by teaching me this!
Shizuoka from now!
Tokyo in the night!!!

ジモモ ニューヨーク

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.

Able to download if you click this site.