Secret to be active person... Easy!
There is the rule of 'Pippa.'
If the inspiration comes like ' PPi '
I recommend to take an action ' Pa ' after
Who is sending this 'PPi' inspiration?
Is this any suggested idea from God?!
You will be on the wave if you take the action quickly.
Pi, Pi, Pi,
Even chance is coming but,
action were slowly・・・
You will be down.
We do self-estime 'what we thought' but
Others estimate you through 'What you have done'!
So the point is taking action!
Perception and movement!
Movements, and
Ok!When you are going to move?!
Next is 「The secret of memorize・・・Easy!」
In Okayama・・・

Lunch after seminar!

To Hiroshima with tiried my body?!
E?!You are not going to Hiroshima!
E?!Are you serious!?
Because meeting rescheduled next month!?
Oh I didn't know?!
So I had half OFF!!!
This is a gift charge meant off from God and just woke up!
Meeting with Mr. Ohashi soon!
Yamaguchi tomorrow, Fukuyama in the nigh, drinking in Okayama from midnight!
Oh、Okayama tomorrow too! lol

Thank you in Oguraー!
Let's meet tomorrow!
See you soon.

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.