Nagoya HM Yesterday.
What I talked about was・・・

Decide first.
Decide what you want to do!
If you haven't done it, that means decided present setuation.
What do you want to be?
Decide what you are going to do.
Let's calculate from your ideal.
An idea, method, right person and
supporter comes later naturally.
Please experience this rules.
This is fun no doubt.

I met with these girls! lol
Thank you!Garatto♪
waiting for these pictures!lol
On the way from Nagoya to Shizuoka.
Lunch apointment in Tokyo and meeting and video taping・・・
Another one week left this month.

Rikimaru Ramen、delicious!lol
I am taking fiver&calorie just!
I signed for someone know about me in Rikimaru.
He heared that here is my recommended Ramen store!lol
This is miracle and thank you

Books of Takumi Yamazaki, English ver.
Able to download if you click this site.