Today's seminar!
It was inspiring.
Review meeting of Geshe Michael's teaching!
are me.
There is no boundary between me and you
Oneness=AS ME
It's not just about solving problems.
You can turn problems into opportunities.
Using problems to
make money = alchemy.
Enjoying having fun
Problems are also a lot of fun
When you run away from problems
Not only do they not get solved
They reoccur and create derivative problems.
The problem is not the cause.
It's the seed of the problem.
The problem is
an opportunity to know the seeds of its real cause.
problems are a good thing!
The Theory of Entropy
There's a truth that hasn't changed in 2500 years!
Truth #1) Problems are inevitable.
Everything decays.
From the moment it's born, it's headed for collapse.
In the meantime, problems exist.
Life is an illusion.
Can you see the High Reality?
Humans try to defy the laws of the universe.
Murphy's Law.
If there is room to fail, you will fail.
If a loaf of bread falls off the table, the buttered side falls on the carpet.
How do we get out of this?
Get outside of this reality.
If a problem is unavoidable,
use the energy of that problem!
The pipe under the sink.
If you want to solve a problem
You can't solve a problem with the brain (the same level of thinking) that caused it
Where's the problem?
I don't want to know.
Pretending there is no problem
Responding outside of reason = anger.
People won't make changes until they can't take it anymore.
Truth 2) Every problem has a cause.
Surface cause → There is a hole in the pipe
Deep cause → The seed is the cause (I am the cause)
Intrinsic deep cause → It's "emptiness"
There's nothing that didn't come from a seed.
・Everything is headed for destruction.
・Everything has a cause.
・Once you know the cause, you can stop it.
・Learn to stop it.
Repair the direct cause (surface layer) = fix the pipe
Do something about the seed = 4 steps and 4 powers
Solve the "emptiness" = you can create a masterpiece
Breakdown the problem
Emptiness and the seed
There are two sides
In Buddhism, this is called karma.
This thing is happening because there is a cause (seed)
Everything is a seed
The thing that is happening in front of you.
It's not because of that person.
It's just a seed that was once sown (you were angry at someone)
that has germinated
Why are peacocks so beautiful?
They like to eat things that are poisonous to other birds
Peacocks like to eat problems (poison)
Problems if left unchecked, can grow
They cause different problems
It can hurt you and others.
It slows down your ability to be wonderful to others.
(i.e., you can't be a successful example for others)

become like the peacock
that eats other people's poison (problems) too!
Let's pull out the seeds before they fall!
A forest is a collection of trees.
A combination of many different elements creates the pencil.
Actually, the last picture (the seed of consciousness) is the deciding factor!
Learn to like problems!
Let's make a masterpiece!
Create using the 4 steps!
1) Have a goal
2) Choose a like-minded person as your partner
3) Support them for an hour a week.
4) Go to sleep every night loving yourself for the contribution you are making.
If you are in need of money
Offer money.
If you don't have time
Offer your time.
If you want a donut.
put a donut in someone else's mouth.
Your mouth is my mouth.
Visually, they're different mouths.
But functionally, they are the same mouth.
If what you offer comes back to you.
The other person is not another person, it's you.
And it will come back multiplied.
You as Me
Society as ME
The World as Me
The Universe as Me
It was all me.
It comes back.
What you have done will come back to you.

All the "Nazekawa" ambassadors who joined the seminar,
Thank you for your participation.
Thank you very much.
Due to the content,
I deleted the archive!
I'll do it again, okay?
Honest talk! (laughs)
Those who can support this☆゜:*:・゜
Please subscribe〜〜〜
How to change the way you look at the world for realizing your dreams❓