Thank you
"LINE video talk"
Thank you Mimi-san!
I'll do my best with Takumania 〜〜〜
Thank you!
Hope to talk to you again
”Jumping through time and space"=”cultivate virtue"=”Improving relationship between people"
World's No.1 Marketing Consultant!
With Corona management consultant "Strategy of Excellence" by Jay Abraham
About Corona・・・
Whether you see things from the perspective of a victim
or from the perspective of a winner?
Will your actions be reactive
or will you take action in advance?
Are you on the defensive
or the offense?
Are you on the defensive or
Do you see opportunities ethically or
will you cheat your way?
You must decide which you will live by!!
"Is what I am trying to sell
already being sold in the market place?"
If the answer is yes
You need to strengthen your
sales and
acquire prospects
If the answer is no
You should ask "What has the marketplace been purchasing
before purchasing my product?"
You should ask "What is the marketplace purchasing after purchasing my product?"
You should also ask "What is the marketplace purchasing as an alternative to my product?"
Then, collaborate with others to sell in those categories as well
(That the market buys before, after, and as an alternative to your product)
If your own product is not selling ・・・
Think, "What can be purchased now?"
"What can people purchase now that people will buy based on the trust built until now?"
And change to a different product!
1)Who has the people who can become your customers?
Collaborate there!!!
2)Buy a micro-enterprise through M&A that has related products
Use your own infrastructure to share profits
3)Skilled people are losing their jobs.
It's possible to get good human resources for cheaper than before.
4)Sellers with high abilities are being let go
It's a chance to have them introduce your product on a commission basis
The difference with 3 is that instead of hiring them, you use their resources
5)Use other companies resources
Massive spaces that haven't been used due to the recession
Gain the rights to hold a flea market there.
Talk to the largest flea market company in the US, and contract to receive a percentage of the profits.
Then you can also secure royalty income.
That person needs help.
Give them profit while helping them!
Share assets
There will be a seminar o this topic!
Those who want to learn from actual examples,
↓↓↓I plan to attend this seminar too!↓↓↓
Shall we attend together?!
☆゜:*:・゜Online seminar

as introduced by Takumi Yamazaki you can attend for a
special discounted price〜♪
Relational Capital
"Relation" is the capital
Strategy of Excellence
I wonder if this strategy of excellence is "falling in love" ..... lol
Why do you,
why does your business
exist in this world?
What is the value it provides?
That cannot be overlooked
I only want to buy from you!
How can you create that state?!
To do that,
the deciding factor is taking the position of "that person's advisor"
Why "must it be here?"
All staff
collaborative businesses
must love you!
If you are living your life,
focused only on the profit of others・・・you will gain everything!
A higher purpose =The profit, happiness and wonderful life of others
Have them gain the wonders of life!
1.Quantify all actions
Not only the accounting of sales and costs, but also number of clients, prospective customers, number of visits to stores, website access numbers, number of calls etc., as well as numbers in relation to sales and marketing with as much detail as possible and analyze them daily.
2.The basics are "unit price x number of customers x frequency of purchase"
Look at the numbers in all 3 sections, and you must verify the cause of the drop in sales.
Also choose your focus. For example, first set up a sales strategy based on the unit price, and focus on that particular part, and verify it and if it doesn't work, then try focusing on another.
3.Refer to business models in other industries
Jay has consulted multiple different types of industries, so if there are times when there is no growth even though doing what is necessary within the industry, by introducing a new business model used in other industries, it can often bring a breakthrough.
4.Thoroughly maximize your company's strengths
Through your companies strengths being used in other companies and vice versa, this is what builds relational capital.
5.Understand others
Business is understanding the needs and desires of the other and being able to create something to provide those needs.
6.Active as a intermediary and negotiator
Even if you have no physical assets, you can also do business as a intermediary or negotiation.
7.There is an order to things
Even problems that seem to be very complex, there is undoubtedly an order to solving it, and as you quantify it, and simplify it as much as possible and create the order to find the road to solving it, you can find its true essence.
8.Leave things you are not good at to other companies
If you aren't able to train your salespeople, then leave sales itself to other companies.
9.Always think about leverage
Think about your companies strength (what can be used to create leverage), the hidden assets (strengths) of the other person, and consider how it can be leveraged.
10.Efficiently find solutions in the correct order of verification
By seeing Jay's consulting, you will find that there is an overall patter and order to his way of verification.
If you understand this order of verification, it can be used for multiple problems related to marketing, and you will be able to find solutions faster. That's what worked for me too.
11.Sit towards the front during the seminar
Those who sit in the front are this who are able to interact more aggressively....
although I've only only ever sat in the front so I have nothing to compare it to・・・・
12.The people who are making money come to the seminar
The people who come to such expensive seminars are those who are making plenty of money without attending this seminar
How will it improve your life?!
"It will change your life like so!!!!"
This is what you need to do!
The customer doesn't even know what they don't know!
Because they don't know,
the surprise when they find out is big.
Verbalizing the interaction of the heart!
Can make what was previously unseen seen =The strategy of excellence
The highest priority is not your own profit
but the theirs!
The purpose of business
is to improve the life of another
Risk reversal
Taking on all the risk of the other person
Money back guarantees
Are you prepared to do that?
Money making shouldn't be at the top of your mind
If it's not you'll make money
Place solving the other person's problem first!
Fall in love with
not the product,
but the person (the client) !
Become someone they must have in their lives!
Fall in love with
not the product,
but the person (the client) !
Become someone they must have in their lives!
Economy is "relief activities"
Helping someone
Helping many people →Business success
With corona, only the real deal will be chosen
Need to have the ability to get the messages out
Corona =trigger
Communication abilities
Presentation abilities
Getting used to online
Even if you are in the city or in the countryside, online it's all the same.
Those who want help
but be those who can give help
Those who pay money
Those who provide searches
It's giving back 〜"A circulation of good"
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s