Sophie who came back from the USA updated me once again today!!!
Dates of share meetings
1、October 6th (Sun) 19:00−21:00
2、October 26th(Sat)8:00−10:00
3、October 27th (Sun) 8:00−10:00
4、November 8th (Fri) 19:00−21:00
5、November 9th (Sat) 8:00ー10:00
「Humans」all come from a seed・・・
Even "ways of thinking" begins with a seed
A seed you planted・・・
Inspiration too・・・
The cause of everything is not the cause
There is not a cause for everything that is happening
rather, simply that the seed you planted before that has sprouted.
If you were to prove this with science, it would start with the Big Bang.
But what about before that?
Science cannot be proved by science.
↓↓↓In other words↓↓↓
There is no cause for everything.
So that means・・・
What exists now, also already existed in the past.
What do you want to do in the future? If you look in the past you'll know. 未来どう
(to the seeds you planted in the past・・・)→Power 4
There is no start to time.
Everyone has once been your mother.
1)A seed jumps out from you, and that becomes a pen
2)You get minus emotions →It stops happening
Because you believe in rules that are not the truth.
that minus emotions happen at times and can't be helped
If you know the truth・・・
3)You will no longer have minus emotions =Nirvana Just living for others.
Creative Coffee Meditation
To get good ideas,
It's important to celebrate and praise others' ideas.
Then it will come to you too.
What you shouldn't do is get envious.
You should support that person.
Muse・・・Want to be of use to and help many people
→A seed sprouts
Rental car・・・Your body is a rental car.
When will you return it?
Living every day as if it were your last day is important.
People who succeed once and never come up again・・・
Don't know the cause of why they succeeded=they don't know the deeper cause (=seed)
They think that a difference cause caused them to succeed.
Why is sugar sweet? There is a seed that makes it taste sweet.
Why does one become happy? There is a seed to feel happiness.
You didn't succeed because you gave it your best
There were seeds of success planted in the past.
Are rich people wonderful?
The fact that they planted seeds of wealth is what's wonderful.
Seeds that....are of use to people and that make people happy.
Because you were of use to others in the past・・・
We into meditation to be able to access the past time.
Hear more about it at the share meeting.
Meditation to look at the "emptiness" directly.
6 stages of emptiness.
Hanase・・・It's when you can't separate your heart from the world.
I can get so far alone so its okay.
This is like licking honey off a blade.
It's sweet at first but eventually・・・
A cow that waits to die. His brothers die one by one・・・
However, I understand that he still has a while to go.
Supporting many people
while living a normal life.
A lifestyle where you become the model is precious.
Please do participate in the share meeting!
<<How to apply>>
Please send a mail to:
In the Subject,
please write
"Wish to participate in Share Meeting" if you wish to participate
"Wish to participate in FB Share meeting" if you wish to listen via facebook
In the message please also include
・Your name
・Name you use for facebook (only if you wish to watch via facebook)
・Your e-mail address.
・Please note which meeting you wish to participate in/listen to.
After you send the application, we will reply with details on how to transfer the money. Please make sure your settings are adjusted so that you can receive e-mail via PC.
1)Participate in Azabujuban office 5,000 yen/per meeting
2)Those who wish to watch online 1,000 yen/per meeting
※Those who have had participated in the share meeting, we will incite you to the Facebook group page, after we confirm your payment.
Please use it for your review!

Appreciation to those in every region!