【6minute summary】
Fitness that the business elite are doing
Shungo Ooyama
Body and mind are linked!!!
is the order
The body is easier to handle than the heart/mind!!!
Use your body to strengthen your mind!!!
5 senses →Our brains judge
Experiments to trick the brain
Read books with a smile
Read with puckered lips
The person who read with a smile
Judged the book as interesting
When we are negative
we send out signals to our bodies
1。Is your line of sight lower?
2。Is your back curled?(straightened back→motivation!)
3。Shallow breath?(Breathe deeply!)
Focus on the process, not the result!!!
The outcome is,
the results follow you!!!
Played piano being told GET RESULTS!
Played piano being told ENJOY YOURSELF!
The outcome? ・・・
Don't compare with others
Compare with your own past
You do it because you are motivated?!
You get motivated because you do it!
So do it for just 5 minutes!
If you feel the distance between yourself and others isn't getting smaller
it's because you are actually being cautious
Give the other plus strokes
Recognize the other
Celebrate in advance
Visualize the future and rejoice in advance
The step by step build up of your actions
are what lead to your own trust
ANA approves living in the countryside and side businesses for flight attendants …working days have nearly halved

ANA employees winter bonus is "zero" JAL 80% decrease …
The reason why JAL and ANA are such
is as you know due to corona,
What I want to say is not about that,
but that things that were once so sure
can easily weaken.
Such things can happen in our lives
That's why it's important to have multiple forms of income
like an octopus wire!
The era is such that it's necessary
and needed to continue to increase ones cash points
Ancient Buddhist teachings of wisdom to beat corona. Available to learn in Japanese