Tuesday, March 4, 2025

7 Steps to Make a Big, Concrete Change in Your Life!

 Check out Takumi’s NEW English youtube channel🎵




Making Concrete Change!


📌 MetaLifeShift


✨Life Transformation Program

Unlock Infinite Possibilities


A 6-month practical seminar presented by Takumi Yamazaki × Risa Matthew, designed to dramatically change your values, actions, and future.

🗓️ Course Duration & Fees

📅 Starts June 1st this year!
💰 Early Bird Price: 100,000 yen + tax

※ Early Bird Discount until 3/3, 23:59

📍 Event Schedule (tentative)
🔹 6/1 (Sun) Los Angeles
🔹 7/26 (Sat) Online
🔹 8/16 (Sat) Online
🔹 9/13 (Sat) Online
🔹 10/13 (Mon) Online
🔹 11/29 (Sat) Japan Event
*Local events will be streamed online.

📣 Support Includes

✅ 6 months of ongoing support

✅ Regular follow-ups
✅ Exclusive online community for students
✅ Archive distribution
✅ Real seminar exclusive benefits

📩 For details & registration, click here
▶ https://utage-system.com/p/gLM8Xuh4Jpzf

Now is the time for you who want to seriously change your life in a meta way💫




How can you make a big, concrete change in your life? !





① Clarify "What You Want to Change"

  1. Instead of vaguely thinking "I want to change," imagine as specifically as possible:

    • What kind of life do you want to live?
    • What kind of person do you want to become?
    • What kind of environment do you want to be in?

② Identify "Small First Steps" You can Take Immediately

To create big changes, the shortcut is to accumulate small changes.

*What small action can you take right now?
*What would happen if you did this every day?

Start with a manageable "small step" that’s easy to act on.

③ Get the help of your "Subconscious" by Making It A Habit

Even if it’s just 5–15 minutes a day, make it a habit to take action towards your desired future.

When you build small habits, your brain naturally begins to prompt actions that align with your goals.

*Create a morning routine

*Take time to reflect before bed 

are effective ways to start.

④ Change the People you Associate with 

  • To make a big change in yourself, a shift in your environment is essential.
    The influence of your relationships is powerful.

    • Connect with people living the life you dream of.
    • Find friends who support and encourage each other.
    • Distance yourself from people who have a negative influence.
      This alone can dramatically change your life.
  • ⑤ Invest in Yourself 

  • Changing your life requires new knowledge and skills.

    • Read books
    • Attend seminars and courses
    • Get a mentor or coach
      Committing to investing in yourself will significantly improve both your confidence and skills.

  • ⑥ Step Out of Your "Comfort Zone"

  • Break free from the familiar routines and safe environments and try new things.

    • Go to places you’ve never been
    • Challenge yourself to do things you’ve never done
    • Try self-expression you haven’t attempted before (speak, write, share)
      These unfamiliar experiences will quickly expand your potential.

  • ⑦ Regularly Reflect and Review Your Progress定期的に「振り返り」をする

  • To change your life, awareness is essential.

    • How have you grown?
    • What’s working well?
    • What could be improved?
      Taking time every week or month to reflect allows you to adjust your course as needed.

  • 🔑 The Most Important Key is "Making A Decision"

    Finally, the key to making a big change in your life is a strong decision:
    A firm commitment to "I will definitely change."
    By deciding on specific actions, setting a deadline, and starting right now, your life will begin to move in amazing ways.
    If you let me know the areas you'd like to change specifically, I can offer more detailed support!

    📩 For details & registration, click here

    ▶ https://utage-system.com/p/gLM8Xuh4Jpzf




    The dream speech!
    It was incredible!



    NEWTON Takumi☆゜:*:・゜




    Afterwards, we went for Japanese food!



    A surprisingly rare parent-child MC duo!



    When KANARI-chan was a child! 



    She was so small!



    It looks like something out of a historical drama〜〜〜



    The dressing room is also full of enjoyment and laughter!



    We bumped into each other in the basement parking lot!



    Thank you!




    Pair look!




    Thank you!



    The beauty club is also amazing—everyone's power!








    Thank you, everyone at FANTS!


    My TASK MANAGER! Thank you




    Thank you for visiting TAKUSANDO!


    Takusando in Kyoto



    I'm looking forward to Hokkaido〜〜〜



    Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 


    Monday, March 3, 2025

    Charisma Is About Constant Connection—The Bolder You Are, the More Customers Follow! Great Leaders Know No Fear.

     Check out Takumi’s NEW English youtube channel🎵




     Ivanna Chubbuck's seminar was amazing!













    I'm attending the Lecture Today, 

    and Magic Will Happen Tomorrow!

    Since everyone will be fully focused,
    No questions during breaks!

    This is how the atmosphere of the room is set.
    As the ground rules are explained,
    The space is prepared.

    • Learning together as a group
    • Ensuring a safe and secure environment
    • Understanding that the sense of “shame” hinders success
    • Creating a space where private matters (personal secrets) can be shared without recording

    The session begins with a pledge.

    If you are bound by thoughts of "I must be this way,"
    Otherwise I cannot thrive in the world.
    Those who understand this
    are the ones who succeed globally.

     Leading to Catharsis

    Catharsis is the emotional experience triggered by witnessing events on stage (especially tragedies),
    which releases similar emotions that have been pent up in the heart,
    resulting in a sense of relief and purification.

    ▷ From Greek katharsis

    You might feel afraid to confront it.
    However, that is precisely what will resolve your issues and lead to catharsis.

    So, do not fear!

    The Method

    Emotional Diary = Automatic Writing Diary

    It only takes 3 minutes.

    By using the purpose of a scene,
    and keeping the overall purpose in mind,
    you can work through issues.

    Automatic Writing

    Let the pen take over
    Access information from your subconscious!

    There may be pain involved.
    Some people pretend to be "okay"
    because they don’t want to face it.
    Let the pen take control!
    Go beyond your conscious control!
    Write without looking at the notebook!

    Start with:
    "I need you to love me, [Name]!


    Write with the resolution of facing "death."
    Write as if it’s ASAP, an emergency.
    What is something you absolutely cannot live without?
    What would cause you serious distress if it were gone?
    What must you win?

    Empty yourself completely.
    Look at a white light for 3 seconds,
    and start from a zero state.



    When Acting: Who Is Your Substitute?

    The substitute is the person in front of you in the scene.
    Apply it to your own life.
    Find someone who made you feel the same way,
    and use them as a substitute to make the dialogue real!

    Say it with your whole body:
    "I will win!"
    "I am the one who wins!"

    Pain is a "Reflection"!

    It is a choice.

    Chemistry (chemical reactions) between people
    makes them curious and want to watch.



    Love Is the Sharing of Pain.

    I understand
    the deep pain in your heart
    that no one else knows.

    Sharing pain.


    Physical Connection

    Think about the difference between:

    • Someone you want to have sex with
    • Someone you don’t want to have sex with

    Which is better?

    There are people who make the air feel denser,
    who create an intense atmosphere.

    Sexual Fantasy

    After sharing pain,
    imagine an impossible, passionate union.




    Keep Falling in Love with Everyone!

    When reading your lines,
    don’t just think, “Is this it?”
    There is a unique way
    that only you can express it!
    People want to see that.

    Don’t aim to please the writer!

    Empower yourself.
    Support yourself!



    Day 2

    Even if the other person isn’t looking,
    when you tap into your sexual fantasy,
    something happens.

    Stories were shared—
    someone trying it on a stranger sitting on a train,
    someone trying it on their husband.

    Charisma Is the Art of Constant Connection.

    Live in your sexual fantasy!

    Make it a habit!

    The further you push it,
    the more people will be drawn to you.

    Don’t fear what others think!

    You don’t have to be perfect.

    ART is born from imperfection.

    Art is built on flaws.

    And in that sense,
    imperfection is complete in itself.
    People see that and will want to cheer you on.

    That’s why,
    comedy can be deeper than drama!



    Death Work: The Loneliness of Dying

    LET GO OF IT!!!

    If I were to die today...
    What would I leave unfinished?

    What can I never accomplish if I die?

    Make a list.
    Find the one that resonates the most.

    1. Feel the joy of it happening in the best possible way.
    2. What if it doesn’t happen?
    3. I must survive to prevent the worst from happening! → Feel it!
    From this point on, the artwork will be done in ballpoint pen, 
    incorporating expressions that evoke Eros (sensuality and desire).
    I was instructed that iPads were not allowed, 
    so I switched to a ballpoint pen.
     If you're not having fun while performing,

    then you're doing it wrong!

    What about me?!
    The best part of this seminar for me was this!

    If it's not fun,
    then it's wrong.

    I think I have to try hard,
    But if it's not fun,
    Then why try so hard?!

    • Because it would be uncool if I couldn’t do it.
    • I don’t want to fall from grace.
    • I believe it should be a certain way.

    That’s a false dream,
    Not the dream of your soul.

    Why did I start trying so hard?
    Because this work is amazing!
    Because this work is fascinating!
    Because I want to share that life is wonderful!

    When I connected to my soul’s dream,
    my energy shifted.

    False dreams,
    you can’t share them with others.

    So, you talk about what you can.

    It’s not bad,
    but it doesn’t touch the heart.

    A soul’s dream
    pierces your heart in an instant.

    I want to tell everyone,
    Life is wonderful!

    LET IT GO!

    Energy rising from deep within

    I WIN
    I WIN

    Make it into a GAME!

    When you try to win,
    uniqueness begins!

    You have to enjoy it!
    If you're not enjoying it, those watching won’t enjoy it either.

    Chase it from the depths inside you!

    Don't try to go straight to the answer
    TRY!!! TRY!!!
    Life Is Wonderful!

    Great people are fearless.

    What is fear?
    You can only overcome it once you truly understand it.

    It was fun!
    With movie producers Shimada-san and Hoshino-san!!!
    It was truly Stimulating!
    Okinawa coffee!!!
    Thank you!
    It was a good time!
    Today's learning was good too!


    To think that something like this was broadcasted worldwide.

    In this era, if you don't keep your antenna high and gather information, you can't see the truth.

    If you're not smart, you can't survive!

    Why did Russia go to Ukraine?
    What happened before it came to this?!

    "Coaching school, 17th batch, graduation ceremony!

    I cried!

    Congratulations AIRI!
    Kazu Nagisa Team!!!
    Grateful to my task managers!
    Hosted by AYA!!!

    Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

