Tuesday, December 1, 2020

3 Questions to know the downsides of your business


To everyone reading this during lunch time, 

your lunch time is about to get wonderful! (lol) 


↓↓↓A treasure trove of inspiration ↓↓↓Your brain will feel refreshed↓↓↓

↓↓↓Would you like to join me?↓↓↓


☆゜:*:・゜Online seminar☆゜:*:・゜


Through my introduction you can attend at a special price 〜♪


January 18th (Mon) 

10am ---- 20th (Wed) 18:30 



By the way・・・

Do you know about marketing?〜〜〜


↓↓↓This is what marketing means↓↓↓



【3 minute summary】

Have you not read it?

The legendary marketing book "High power marketing" 


Theory of excellence 




For someone who came to buy an electric drill 


Do you want a drill?

No!!!I want holes

No!!!I want a dog house

No!!!I want a happy family and household


Treat them like a irreplaceable friend 

A long-term relationship of trust 

Risk reverse 

Take on the entire risk of the customer !!!


If the ramen wasn't delicious 

don't only return the money 

but guarantee to pay for tomorrow's lunch as well! 




How to treat customers?!




The theory of excellence 




Treat everyone as a friend 

Do "My man" businesses!!! 

If a coffee shop is empty 

Make the coffee free 


Into a prosperous store 

Can you completely erase the 

risk factors for them 



and emotionally?! 

Get them to the point where they say, 

"Because you are too trustworthy I must ask you" 


500 dollars 

750 dollar pony!!! 

↓↓↓ Which would you buy?↓↓↓


Try caring for it for 1 month 

I will teach you how to raise it 

Clean the pony house for you 

and if you like it then please purchase it!!!


What valuable information do you have?!

Who wants that information?!


I will give advice and consult 4〜10companies 

monthly or every quarter for around 300,000 to 1million yen! 



If you don't learn about marketing, you'll miss out 

Learn in 11 minutes 

『High power marketing 

by Jay Abraham 




Consulting Bible 




Marketing =Creating a structure that sells 


Icecream appeared 

2000 years BC!!! 

However, the cone was only invented 3900 years ago!!! 

The water wash toilet appeared in 1775!!!

But toilet paper in 1857・・・


Why did no one think of it?!


There are so many things around us like that now!!!


USP is

a Unique Selling Proposition 

What is the attractive points of your business ?!




Explain the story 

Find the niche!!!


Share the USP〜♪






 3 ways to expand your business 


・Increase the number of customers 

・Increase the amount of things to buy 

・Increase the number of times of purchase 


↓↓↓How to increase↓↓↓


If you child said he/she was sick?


You'd ask how/where they feel sick right?!


↓↓↓3 Questions to know the downside of your business ↓↓↓


1)Reasons why you started your business now? 

2)Why are customers buying from you now? 

3)How are you creating the list for new customers? 

Analyzing and understanding the current stage plays an important role! 

Investing in relationships!

What is a more effective proposal to your new prospect? 




=First step of your relationship =

List up the "Products" and "services" that you could provide 

What is the "special service" you can provide that new customer? 




=Your attraction point that is unique =USP


What are your strengths? 

What are the benefits of your strengths? 




An offer you can't refuse 


Risk reversal 

Provide a service that goes beyond no risk


Fish in a place where there are fish!


Maximum results with minimum effort 

Analyze people's needs and 

propose something that matches those needs


Generous clients


Communicate with active customers 

Show them your gratitude 

Regarding inactive customers 

Communicate to them "welcome home" 

Give them extra service 


Ad on chance


When they sign on 

give them a chance to purchase additionally 

60% of sales are made that way 

Use it together to increase the effectiveness 

What are the benefits after buying the product? 

Think of a luxurious version with a larger unit price 


DM is a sales team of 10,000 


New customers 

Small forward steps reaching those far 

Useful to anyone 

The power of telemarketing 


To who?!


Prospective customers (communicate through ads)




Big profit.com 



=one of the methods (of communication and marketing) 

You can find your target without costs!!!


SNS etc 


1。Research the internet 

2。Read this book and think about how to utilize what it says 


Business barter 



Give your product at cost price 

and get the value of the other person 

 To not get off track 


1。Write out all your abilities and skills 

2。All potential that changes 

3。Any other methods 


After communication 


Communicate with the people who contribute 

Take regular contact with such people 


The secret to business/The theory of excellence 


Don't put your own profit first 

Think about that person's true "joy" 

Interact as if you were friends 




Actions steps are 

1。Along with common sense, take a look at things super logically with an open heart 

2。Think with a focus on your chances 

3。Take action 


You have more than you think


The value you have↓↓↓Question

1。What specialized knowledge do you have?

  What lists can you convert into money? 

2。What are your experiences that brought out value or importance? 

3。What is something that was not only rated highly, 

but what people told you they want to learn from you?! 

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

