Today I watched this movie〜!
Movies about the kamikaze squad hit straight to the heart〜
Night time round table!(lol)
↓↓↓She is the one bringing the donations to India↓↓↓
The next questions are taught as a business transformation method,
④What are the things you are going to STOP doing in the next year of your life?
⑤What are the things you are going to START doing in the next year of your life?
⑥What are the things you are going to CONTINUE doing in the next year of your life?
With goal setting, it can be easy to fall into the mindset of "more, more, more,"
but these questions remind us, to not forget about the good habits we've built up and the things we are doing that are going well already♡♡.
Go ahead and sit or lie in a comfortable position, allowing yourself to gently close your eyes, turning inwards right now as as you ground into your intention of manifesting more financial abundance in your life.
You can keep this intention general or you can zero this in on a specific amount of money that you desire. Either way is perfect.
From this place, go ahead and allow yourself to pull up a screen in front of you.
As you connect with the screen you start noticing that there is a movie playing on the screen, and as you begin to watch the movie you allow yourself to remember that this is a movie of you, from your future, having already received the financial abundance that you desire.
As you go ahead and watch the motive, notice what is going on.
Who is in the movie? What are you saying to yoruself?
Notice anything else that's happening as you watch this movie....good.
Notice 3 dials o the side of the screen.
And as you continue to witness yoruself in the movie screen, you Notice that a little dial has appeared on the side of the screen, and as you reach out to play with this dial, you notice that you can turn this dial up and you are altering the✨brightness✨ of the movie. That's right.
So go ahead and turn the brightness up of the movie, Turn it up, up up.....until it's so bright there's just white light everywhere.
And now go ahead and turn the brightness down, so the brightess is somewhere in the middle, absolutely perfect, exactly as it's meant to be, as you continue to witness yourself having just manifested the financial abundance that you desire in the movie screen right now.
Go ahead and reach out and play with the second dial. And as you turn this one up, you notice that you are altering all the 🔈sounds🔈in the movie. Everything which is going on and also everything you are saying to yourself in your own head, go ahead and turn it up. Turn it all the way up, to max volume and now turn it down down down..... and take all the sound out of the movie, no sound.
And now go ahead and turn up the volume until it's somewhere in the middle, absolutely perfect, exactly as it's meant to be, as you continue to witness yourself having just manifested financial abundance in the movie screen right now.
And now reach out for the 3rd dial. And as you do this you notice this one is a little bit different cuz we are only going to turn it up. So as you gently turn this dial up, you notice that you are altering the 💓feeling💓of the movie. You are noticing how good it feels to be you... having just manifested financial abundance gets to get stronger and stronger....go ahead and turn that feeing up, turn it all the way up until it's full feeling, the emotion, the frequency, the emotion of how good it feels couldn't get any stronger, and when it can't get any stronger, go ahead and double that feeling, let it rush through every single cell of your being, and then go ahead and triple that feeling. That’s right. Let it vibrate with every single cell as you remember that you have manifested the financial abundance that you desire in your life right here right now. That's right.
And now go ahead, keeping this state, this frequency, and this vibration and surround this movie screen with with a golden ball of light, allowing it to shift and transform and merge into one golden ball.
This golden ball is encoded with all of the information, and frequencies and patterns of information desired and required in order for you to embody the financial abundance that you desire right here, right now.
And from this place,
bring this ball of golden light closer to you, closer to you, until it comes into your heart. That’s right.
Resting gently within your heart, you may feel the pulsation of this ball, this vision from your future,
encoded with all the information that you desire.
You may just simply know it's there. Either way is perfect.
And now go ahead and request that this ball now implodes into every single cell of your being, allowing every single cell to wake up, wake up, wake up, and receive all of the information desired and required in order for you to manifest the financial abundance in your life, right here, right now.
“I manifest the financial abundance in my life with ease, with grace, and with flow.” x 3 times
It is done, it is done, it is done.
And so it is.
And as you allow all of this to ground, root, and stabilize within your system, with so much gratitude, gently allow yourself to now open your eyes, coming back to your body, your breath in this present moment and enjoy the integration after this activation.
Allow your system to notice what is different so you can attract and manifest even more of that into your life and into your consciousness.
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s