Yesterday’s ASA-TAKU....
Our guest was Akio Hiramoto.
We had a full house buzzing with excitement from 7:30 in the morning!
I was so excited.
Chock full of content in such a short time!!
My intellectual curiosity was satisfied and I think each person went home with something gained.
Now, I will post what we talked about!
For the audio version・・・
You can listen to it at "Takumi University"!
Now on to yesterday's content・・・
Hiramoto-san's lecture began with meditation.
Have you done meditation before?
Hiramoto-style meditation is quite special and
even those who don't understand meditation can experience it.
On the other hand, it's like it swiftly takes you into that zone....b
Speaking of meditation
you think of somewhere quiet and calm・・・isn't that right?
Well it's quite the opposite.
You shake your body.
Intensely, up and down
Tap your heels on the floor!!!
And then, yes, stop・・・
And after doing that,
There's a quiet stillness that comes....
Yes, sit down slowly 〜
Breathe in slowly
and breathe out・・・
As if you're being pulled with a string from the top of your head・・・
breathe in〜, breathe out〜
Light enters when you breathe in
and as your breathe out, it takes with it, everything unnecessary〜
It feels so good〜
He's been doing coaching for a long time
From minus to ±0
Those who need "counseling"・・・
Those who have issues with their parents/children or past trauma or hurts that are creating blocks.
From ±0 to plus
Those who need "coaching" ・・・
Set goals, and write out to-do's・・・
And those who want to go further
Those who want the "flow or the zone" ・・・
Not just goal setting or plans, but to live each moment glowing.
went from a "bad boy" high school in Kobe (37)
to Tokyo University!!
How did he do it?!
Learned to make the actions itself pleasurable!
What are the things that you think,
"I've been putting it off?"
Write it down!
In the case of Takumi Yamazaki
・Grasp of the on-site (work)
In order to make these things a habit・・・
Start by tiny habits!!!
Do it just a tiny bit!(lol)
Train everyday!!!
Do one push up every day!
"I did it!"
If you say, I'll start from tomorrow.
It doesn't continue!
Do it just a tiny bit till you can say "I did it!"
Let go of perfectionism!
There are times when,
Taking action
Gain good results
and when
Not acting
Getting bad results
Discomfort, and pain
times when
Not acting=Pain
How to get to "studying is so so fun"
without "studying" at all
That's what he did!
The actions themselves put "pleasure" first!
If you hate going to the gym,
Don't be a perfectionist!!!
Go to the gym and just take a shower.
Once you can actually go, then wear your exercise clothes
but don't exercise.
Once you get into the habit of going, then start by exercising a little・・・
Step 1
Take away the "pain!"
The key to confronting procrastination and creating new habits
is to let go of perfectionism.
When the actions you want to take are connected to pain,
and you go further and try to make it perfect,
it will definitely be put off till later and you will procrastinate.
That's why,
①Don't be a perfectionist
②Don't do it till the end
③Don't do it till it shows results
④Don't go out of your way to make time for it
Step 2
Make it a part of your "every day!"
Do it as often as you can, without trying to make it perfect!
By increasing the volume, you can bring it from painful to neutral.
Link it to "pleasure!"
Bring yourself to a state that you're dying to do it, even if left alone!
↓↓↓ What's an example we can try? ↓↓↓
Cleaning your room!!!
as an example・・・
I feel like,「It's troublesome〜」
"feels good when it cleaned up"
"can find the things I'm looking for right away"
Onto the ultimate ending・・・
What is the 「×」as an ultimate result?
"feels gross"
"bad energy"
"inside my head feels confused and messy"
What is the 「○」as an ultimate result?
"feel extreme pleasure"
"good energy"
"bigger results with less work"
"much more organized daily life"
Let's try it just 10 minutes today〜
The things that you are "putting off"・・・
Step 1
It is really necesary?!
1)Is it possible that you just believe that?
Because everyone else says so・・・
Maybe you can interview a few people who have that lifestyle?!
If you know more about it, it's very often that you discover
"Oh! Maybe I don't like it so much!"
They was a girl who said, "I want to diet, but I love flamenco.
After practicing flamenco, I enjoying going to eat Spanish food with everyone."
I asked her, "why do you want to lose weight?"....
She said, "because I want to get married!"
If that's the case, "Why don't you find a guy who likes chubby girls and will let you do flamenco?"
A few months later, she met a guy like that and they got married.
She's still chubby now....
3)Is it unclear or too big?
You say, "I want to start a business!" but maybe what you want to do is not broken down well?
Here's where you can include
「Zero base thinking」・・・
=If you were to choose again, would you choose that?
In the case of・・・
because I already paid the money↓↓↓
example・・・You paid 500,000 yen for learning English!
however, it's all about current affairs and you can't get serious about it!
In that case!!!!
Do work in a cafe near that English school...
And think of ways to make more than that 500 thousand yen,
or put your heart into work that will make more than that 500 thousand yen!!
What is the psychological resistance?
1)What is the "pain" that you've linked to doing that thing?
2)What is the "pleasure" you've linked to not doing that thing?
Mechanically decide on a time, and act immediately!
I will do it for 10 minutes from 10 today!
Like that.
Make it a habit!
The way to do that
1)Create pleasurable sets and settings
2)Link, not doing it=pain
3)Doing it=pleasure
4)Ensure you get immediate visible results!
Raise the priority of what you will cut out!
Decide on,
This I will do!
This I will not do!
Decisively cut out what you will not do!
Put the "when to do it" in your to do.
If you won't do it, put it in the "things to look at when I have time" box!
The law of attraction & the law of opposites
There are times when you try to attract 10・・・
and 9 you can attract, but 1 you just can't!!!!
You're attracting money, work and opportunities!!
But, you just can't seem to attract a boyfriend!!!
At times like these ・・・
Is it possible that you're thinking
I have to be grateful and attract!!
I have to feel exited...
and start becoming heavy?
Like there's a cloud on your head?
Cut your losses!
Instead of regretting the energy you poured into it,
just cut it clean! lol
Try letting go the "I want a boyfriend!"
1)"Imagine the worst and experience it!"
Don't have a boyfriend. Can't make one. Alone for the rest of my life. I might die lonely and alone with a drab life. Imagine it. Feel it all the emotions with it!!
Even if you don't find a boyfriend, you can still live an amazing life.
You can have a great time with lots of young boys...
and even though you may not have a boyfriend, imagine yourself living an enjoyable life!
Imagine it and enjoy it thoroughly!
And then, mysteriously
You will feel a load off your back!!!
and gain a happy life!!
Enjoy what you love!
If you love tennis, enjoy that!
Then once you start radiating again ・・・
Some guy will likely come and say, "you must love tennis" and you'll find your boyfriend!
The human body・・・
The Physical Body
The Ether Body
The Astral Body
The Mental Body
In other words・・・
The baser it is
Animals・・・ Like "pleasure" and dislike "discomfort"
Humans ・・・Like "like" and dislike "dislike"
Improved humans・・・"Like "strength" and dislike "weakness"
Humans putting in effort ・・・Like "things that come true"/"Things that don't come true"
Like "life", dislike "death"・・・
Like "creation", dislike "destruction"・・・
Like "existence", dislike "non-existence"・・・
The meditation breath work to integrate all of these was wonderful.
Together with your breath, you breathe in the "pleasurable"
and when you've breathed everything in
"focus on all the unpleasant inside of you"
and breathe it out together with your breath.
Breathe in
and pleasure comes in.
Breathe it all in,
and then breathe out the unpleasant.
Repeat it
Next, breathe in what you "like"
and when you've breathe it all in....
"breathe out all the dislike that is inside of you." ・・・
This was so integrating!!
Hiramoto-san said that when coaching or counseling,
he enters inside the other person.
When listening to their trials
He enters into them・・・
This is ・・・×
This is・・・kind different
Here there are question marks・・・
Oh, this would work better!
He looks from the inside!
When hearing this, I asked him,
If you go inside the other person,
Won't you pick up the bad in them too?
And Hiramoto-san said・・・
I do it as Shogi, not Chess.
Chess only takes the other person's pieces.
With Shogi, you can use the pieces you get from the other person.
In other words,
he uses the bad in them too, to open up their future.
This middle part of my notes・・・
Future++(If there were no limits, how to do you want to be?)
Future minus Future plus
Past minus Past plus
From past minus→Future plus
Past plus →Future plus
What is the meaning of these arrows?
The approach is
What are the mistake or bad things from your past?!
From there....lead to, this is how I want my future to be. What are the good things from your past?!
From there...lead to, then, this is how I want my future to be.
The more you hear about a person's "past minus and past plus"
The more you want to support them.
Can they imagine the future plus with full presence and feeling?
If not, then one cannot act.
The people who can't imagine it are people who cannot take action.
Turn past minuses into future pluses!
If you think it's different, then ask, "anything else?"
Abstract (essence)
Past+ and- and Future + and -
Tangible (episode)
Past+ and- and Future + and -
Ask, "What do you dislike?!"
Write it all out, then they will find out what they want to do!
Listen to it all. Once it's all out, find out "how do you actually want to become?"
Coaches involvement!!!
Listen to the good at 1.5 times
Listen to the bad at 2〜3times
That must be rough
I see
I see
Really. I get it.
Squeeze it all out!
Next time, we will host a long version in Osaka!
Thank you!