Wednesday, December 2, 2020

You do it because you're motivated?! You get motivated because you do it! So do it just 5 minutes








【6minute summary】

Fitness that the business elite are doing

Shungo Ooyama





Body and mind are linked!!!



is the order 



The body is easier to handle than the heart/mind!!!


Use your body to strengthen your mind!!! 

5 senses →Our brains judge 

Experiments to trick the brain 


Read books with a smile 

Read with puckered lips 


The person who read with a smile

Judged the book as interesting 

When we are negative

we send out signals to our bodies




1。Is your line of sight lower?

2。Is your back curled?(straightened back→motivation!)

3。Shallow breath?(Breathe deeply!)


Focus on the process, not the result!!!


The outcome is, 

the results follow you!!!


 Played piano being told GET RESULTS! 

Played  piano being told ENJOY YOURSELF! 

The outcome? ・・・


Don't compare with others 

Compare with your own past 

You do it because you are motivated?! 

You get motivated because you do it! 

So do it for just 5 minutes! 

If you feel the distance between yourself and others isn't getting smaller 

it's because you are actually being cautious 

Give the other plus strokes 

Recognize the other 

Celebrate in advance 

Visualize the future and rejoice in advance 


The step by step build up of your actions 

are what lead to your own trust 



ANA approves living in the countryside  and side businesses for flight attendants …working days have nearly halved


ANA、客室乗務員に地方居住や副業を容認へ…勤務日数は最大で半減も : 経済 : ニュース全日本空輸(ANA)を傘下に持つANAホールディングス(HD)は、成田、羽田空港に所属する客室乗務員(CA)約8000人を対象に、希望者には来年4月から地方居住や副業を認める時限的な制度を導入する方針を固め、労働組合にリンク



ANA employees winter bonus is "zero"  JAL 80% decrease …

ANAの冬のボーナス「ゼロ」、JAL「8割減」…雇用維持を条件に受け入れ (読売新聞オンライン)経営が悪化している全日本空輸(ANA)と日本航空(JAL)の航空大手2社は30日、冬のボーナスの大幅削減で労働組合と合意した。ANAはゼロ、JALは前年から約8割減(月額給与の0リンク


The reason why JAL and ANA are such 

is as you know due to corona, 

What I want to say is not about that, 

but that things that were once so sure 

can easily weaken. 

Such things can happen in our lives 

That's why it's important to have multiple forms of income 

like an octopus wire! 

The era is such that it's necessary 

and needed to continue to  increase ones cash points 


In Atami, looks fun〜〜〜♪

Thank you for noon


Ancient Buddhist teachings of wisdom to beat corona. Available to learn in Japanese 

