Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Living for someone, without secret motives, is most profitable. Having no secret motives is the secret motive


Thank you so much!
A trip I was gifted by my buddies・・・

Since its closed to my parents house, 
I'm sure I wouldn't have come here otherwise. 

During the "TK Bali Tour" I was doing together with Nagatomo-san, 
I met Hisayo-san who was the manager of this hotel, Amanemu, until last year. It's too bad we couldn't meet this time. 

The rooms are so gorgeous・・
You can see the video here↓↓↓

Thank you so so much! 
 “He used to say to his melancholia patients:
"You can be cured in fourteen days if you follow this prescription.Try to think every day how you can please someone. You see, unhappy people are those who are only thinking about themselves” 
― Alfred Adler

From Noda-san's mail magazine・・・

Takumi Yamazaki thinks.....

My life changed drastically 
once I realized this. 

When you live for others, 
that's when the most comes back to you. 

Living  for others, 
without secret motives
is the most profitable. 

Having no secret motives is the secret motive (lol) 

Appreciation to those in each region! 

Thank you!

I appreciated you all!

It's Nakagawa-kun!!!