Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Lack of wisdom can be compensated for with emotion, but lack of emotion cannot be compensated for with wisdom.

 Takako-san from our Beauty Club got married!




I have been peeking into my own mind since this morning.


I wonder what it is that I want at the bottom of my heart 

that is creating this state of mind.


Something is missing

I'm fidgety.

I want to calm down.

Something is missing

I don't know what's missing


Maybe that's what I'm looking for?! 


so that's why I need to meditate.


I need to look into the depths of this mind (or is it a mirror reflecting the mind?) 

I think it is the most important thing to make it stable and beautiful.


Even if you want something

Even if you get that something, 

the deepest parts of your heart will not be satisfied.


It wants the next something.

and the next thirst begins. 



I will try to adjust with the sound of water and chirping of this stream.


With the exhaled breath

I am freed from the notion of making up for what is lacking

With the in-breath I get the feeling that I am already fulfilled.


Take your time and pace yourself.

I am beginning to enjoy 

remembering the abundance that was there to begin with.

From the busy world of thinking that seeks the right answer

I invite myself to a sense of calm and abundance.





and openly and comfortably

I am beginning to open up


When you need something to pivot on

You can repeat, "thank you"


or simply surrender yourself into nature. 


Enjoy what happens inside of you 

between the sounds. 

You're doing good. 

It's progressing without you knowing it.


When you think you're ready...

Take three big, deep breaths and come back here.


You will see

You are filled up, 

You can be a light to many people

from what overflows. 


Thank you very much

Yours truly. 

This coffee that I want to drink too, 

I wonder why I chose this item, and what kind of hearts desire I'm trying to satisfy?! 

I wonder how I will feel when it is fulfilled〜


If I were to feel it now...

I wonder what it would feel like〜



I'm so glad!

I received the report that you read〜〜〜


Ms. Mizuhashi Koutomi

Thank you!


Hi Takumi-san❣️

I just read your book "Cute Ways People Say Things" on my Kindle❣️.


The content was so great and so inspiring!

I was repeatedly blown out of my mind in the middle of the book 

and then came back to myself again and again🤩✨✨✨.


I am in awe of God for sending someone like you to earth 😆. that everyone on earth can live in harmony ❣️.



This book is not just about "cute way of saying things", it is littered with the deep essence of how to think, how to perceive things, and how to be in order to live a happy life ❣️.


I felt like I was reading a life textbook ✨✨✨.

The kindness vibration from book is so great, I'm a little dazed after reading it ✨✨✨.


I really hope lots of people read this book! I'll be recommending it all over! ✨✨✨


Sorry for the weird feedback ❣️🙏❣️



Thank you ✨✨✨ for the light on the planet ✨✨✨thank you ✨✨✨.



I'm so glad to hear this kind of feedback~!

Thank you so much!!! (lol)


(happy dance)



A friend forwarded me the newsletter~!



There is a saying, "When persimmons turn red, doctors turn blue."

It means, "When persimmons turn red, the weather is stable, few people get sick, and doctors are happy. I imagine that the health benefits of persimmons must have helped to give birth to this saying.


I wonder how this year's persimmons will fare!


Was the "sun" the origin of the word "Okaasan" too?





The father is

"Toto-sama," "a precious person (like the sun).



The wisdom aspect has improved, but inversely, their emotional power has declined.


The academic background of the people became more educated and the field of wisdom improved remarkably, but their overall strength, their "human power," had declined.


  【Human power is the sum total of wisdom and emotion

If the emotional aspect degenerates, the sum total of human power declines.


Emotion is the mind that cares for those around us.

What one lacks in wisdom, one can make up for in emotion, 

but what one lacks in emotion, one cannot make up for in wisdom.


In today's Japan, there are fewer and fewer people who are desired and wanted by others.


 It is more important to be a person who is desired and sought after than a person who desires and seeks what he or she wants. If you can become a person who is desired, it is a proof that you have [human power].


I sincerely hope for the revival of the "Japanese virtue" of being a person who is desired and sought after.




Ryuichi Sakamoto, Stage 4 Cancer Survivor

"This may be my last time"

Piano Solo Concert to be Delivered in December


We learned on the 24th that a solo piano concert will be held on December 11.


 Ryuichi Sakamoto – oxygen | Exception (Soundtrack from the Netflix Anime Series)

“oxygen” from Exception (Soundtrack from the Netflix Anime Series)Music by Ryuichi SakamotoListen to the full soundtrack here:リンク



I can't believe...

I can't believe it's the last.

When I was a student, I was surprised to discover Ryuichi Sakamoto.


I got to know Tatsuo Hayashi.

I felt Sakamoto was even more wonderful when I heard about him from Tatsuo.


I remember when I was asked to do the cover art for Ed Gerhard's CD from Soft Edge, I was moved by Sakamoto's liner notes.


That's what it means to preserve a performance, isn't it?

Leaving a performance is wonderful.


World Skating Queen, Kaori SAKAMOTO Grand Prix Series USA Ilia MARINO (Men's Free Quadruple Axel)


坂本花織、フィギュア世界ランキング1位浮上 鍵山優真と男女ともに日本勢が頂点に - LINE NEWS国際スケート連盟(ISU)は23日付のフィギュアスケート最新世界ランキングを発表。23日(日本時間24日)のグランプリ(GP)シリーズ第1戦スケートアメリカ・女子シングルで優勝した坂本花織(リンク



Ado declares full-fledged entry into the U.S. on his 20th birthday into the prestigious U.S. "Gefin Records" family [with comments].



Indian Prime Minister〜〜〜

 英新首相にスナク氏、25日就任へ 経済安定を優先 初のインド系(ロイター)

[ロンドン 24日 ロイター] - トラス英首相の後任を決める与党・保守党の党首選で、リシ・スナク元財務相(42)が新党首に選出され、25日に新首相に就任する見通しとなった。対抗馬のモーリンク

 Isn't this amazing!

India was once a colony.

then it became independent from English. 

And now, an Indian is the British Prime Minister.


And India is going strong.

moving quickly to the world's top level from here.





GoogleもMicrosoftもインド人!世界企業のインド人経営者まとめここ数年立て続けにインド人が名高い世界企業の最高経営責任者(CEO)等に就任して世界を驚かせています。 世界企業のトップに立つインド人経営者をまとめましょう。   目次 1 Softbank -ニケシュ・アローラ氏(Nikeshリンク


ツイッターに37歳の新CEO、米テック企業のトップが軒並みインド人のワケ | AMP[アンプ] - ビジネスインスピレーションメディアリンク

次期イギリス首相はインド系? - hamachanブログ(EU労働法政策雑記帳)ジョンソン首相が辞任に追い込まれる中で、次期イギリス首相の本命がリシ・スナクと...リンク


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s