Thursday, August 4, 2022

Are you making new friends?! Life stops when the people you meet become fixed.

Are you making new friends?!

Your life experience in the near future 

will mirror the average way of life of the

 top 5 people you meet most often! 


If that's the case...

who should you meet?


If your life changes when the people you meet change.

your life will stop when the people you meet become stagnant/fixed. 


How to make new friends?!


・Be a disseminater! So that people can find you! 

・Go to seminars and events! Go to meet people!

・Talk to them yourself! Have the courage to change the future!


【Best seller】

"How to best lower your blood pressure" 

【Book summary】



No saunas. 

The temperature difference is bad!

Intestinal environment is important!




Avoid salt!

He says, 

Granola is good 〜〜〜〜〜〜

Natto (fermented soybeans) is good for you. 〜〜〜〜〜〜


Peanuts (with astringent skin / 20 peanuts per day)


It helps lower blood pressure!



山﨑拓巳さん 往年のヒット自己啓発書が電子書籍で登場します! | サンクチュアリ出版 ほんよまリンク




Today we'll learn from Takamasa Ikeda〜〜〜



■Find your emotional switch in your subconscious

What we bring to you today is that 

it is our "rules" that influence our emotions. 

The rules are in your subconscious 

and they influence your emotions.

Your rules are, 

imprinted on your subconscious in the form of "If ~~, then it's okay to do XX" 

Let's look at this in detail.

Q: What makes you happy?

Please ask this question to those close to you.

The answer is surely different for each person. 

Some say they feel happy when they achieve something.

One person says they feel happy when they wake up in the morning feeling good.

Another person says they would be happy if they had enough money to live without having to work for the rest of their life.

This question reveals your "happiness rule."

It shows  at which point you give yourself the permission to be happy.

Are you beginning to see the difference between people who are always happy and people who are always unhappy?

Happy people do not always have money, beauty, housing, cars, status, or fame.

On the contrary, there are many people who have all of these things and still despair about their lives.

The people who are always happy are the ones who have a low hurdle for happiness. 

The hurdle of "if I had ________, I would feel happy" is very low.

They are happy if they can have a cup of coffee, if they can see their children's faces, if they can make their beds, and so on.

Each one of these ways of feeling happiness is a very low hurdle.

And regarding people who are unhappy all the time

the hurdle to allow yourself to feel happiness is very high.

Is it OK so far?

Why are rules so important, you ask?

As we have been telling you, it is because "those who master their emotions master their life." 

A person who had been stagnant up to that point, 

with positive emotions, they will be able to take great actions.

After supporting and interviewing many achievers, it is clear to me that 

"It is much more probable to achieve while feeling happy than to achieve while feeling unhappy."

Why are rules so important? 

Because it helps you be in a "positive emotional state." 

If you can't get into a positive emotional state right now, then

perhaps you have set the bar too high to feel good.

Try writing down the rules you have in place for yorself. 

At what point do you allow yourself to be happy? 

Change the rules, turn on the emotional switch, and

Positive emotions create good decisions and bring success.

I hope this gives you some hints.

Takamasa Ikeda



Rules lurking in our minds?!


What is it?

What's there?

What came up is, 


I'm not happy unless I'm treated well. 

I'm not happy unless I'm treated like I'm important〜〜〜


That's horrible and sad, 

but that's what came up 〜〜

I want to be treated well and cherished! 

That's who I am

I accept, 


forgive and 

love you!





Free Live for 100 people only

"The Secret to Breaking Bad habits that Turn Your Life Around" 

August 11th (Thu), 10:00-11:00


Are there any of you who are troubled by bad habits that you know you should quit, but you just can't quit and keep repeating?


This seminar is designed to help you to learn the ancient wisdom of how anyone can give up a bad habit permanently.

This seminar is an advanced version of DCIG Level 6 taught by Dr. Geshe Michael.


There is no charge for this seminar, so please feel free to attend.

Please feel free to attend.



Click here for the registration link.



Did you know about these heart-shaped cherries?!

Onigiri MIIchan, thank you so much〜〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s