Thursday, June 24, 2021

Feel your emotions as physical sensations. Give it a shape. Create space for it to heal.


Eat your meals as if that meal were your last ・・・

You will feel it tasting differently. 

This of everyhing in your life as your last 〇〇. 


We recorded for Himalaya today!!!

And did it clubhouse simultaneously too〜♪

Thanks everyone who listened 




This is wow!


Your emotions can be felt as physical sensations. 

You can feel those emotions as a certain shape. 

And instead of trying to get rid of the emotions 

by making space for them, it can experience healing. 



Go into a state of meditation 



Start by breathing deeply. 

If you feel yourself getting distracted, 

just bring yourself back to the breath. 

You feel your emotions somewhere in your body. 


↓↓↓Scan each body part    What emotions do you feel? 


Head・・・What emotions/sensations do you feel here? 
















Feel the emotions there 

Choose one of them 

The one that bothers you 

Observe it closely 

What emotions is it? 

Where does it start, and where does it end? 

Follow its contour・・・


How big is it and how deep does it go? 

Is it moving? 

What's the temperature? 

Is it soft? Hard? 

Observe that emotion. 

Then breathe into that emotion 

Cover that space and around it with warm air. 

Create space between your body and that emotion. 

This is not an exercise to help you feel better. 

It's an exercise to help you to leave the negative emotion where it is. 

To not get rid of it or suppress it, but 

 to just allow it to be. 

It's an exercise to create space. 

What shape is it? 

What does it feel like? 

What is the texture? 

Put both hands on where you feel the emotions the strongest 

Put your healing hands there! 

You can love and heal everything. 

What would you say to it? 


You can feel emotions now, 

because you are alive now. 

Feelings emotions is normal as a human. 

Breathe into it

and create space around the emotion 

and continue to observe it. 

After you finish observing it

slowly begin bringing your consciousness outward・・・


Where are you sitting? 

What can you see? 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s