Saturday, May 8, 2021

Pursue how you want to be. Then the action will follow on their own, outside of judgement and thinking


Will talk on clubhouse from 8 pm tonight〜〜〜♪



What exists in the brain is








There are many people who use these two

but these are not you!!!


It's like you're walking a dog called "thoughts" and "emotions" 

Our thoughts/emotions are "reactions" that are tied to our past experiences. 

The thoughts and emotions that torment people 

are often rooted in expectation. 

It would be great if 〇〇 would happen. 

Expectation is a 

pre-set goal. 

It must be this 

I want to be that way 

I must do it this way

Goal (expectations) and the gap between reality 

This is what people judge. 

Due to minus thoughts and emotions they think 

〇〇 didn't do their best or 

〇〇 doesn't change 

and it brings out emotions of fear, confusion, anger, discouragement, loneliness and anxiety etc.....


They feel subconsciously (I can't do it) 

and it creates new limits 

Limits =habits 







Negative experience (negative thoughts/emotions)


Creates new limitations in the brain 

At the root of all of it is the "expectation" 

That we have for ourselves, for our company, for our friends and to society・・・

Humans cannot always meet expectations 

So change the way your perceive expectations!!!

Or, quit judging!!!

Or see your negative thoughts and emotions objectively, from a  bird's eye view 

Example →There is a cocky person in the train →  What's this guy!  Anger comes up subconsciously 

The negative emotions and thoughts that come up there create the next limitations 

Be conscious of the thoughts and se it as it is, tolerate it= accept it 

Yeah that happens. There are people like that. 

Focus more on "who you want to be" rather than "what you want to happen" 




"What you want to happen"   →Creates  DO (goals must be set to reach that goal!) 

"Who you want to be"  → BE This doesn't create DO




Who you want to be ・・・needs

What are you doing it for? 

Who do you want to be recognized by? 


Focus on the actions of this moment and truly experience /savor it 

example) Setting appointments →not for goal achievement 

   But enjoying this present moment of setting appointments wholeheartedly 

Don't use negative thoughts and emotions !!!


 Goals are a measure for the you you want to become (a tool to confirm your current position) 

Become able to let negative thoughts and emotions go 


That will give you ore time that you aren't thinking of anything unconsciously 

Not judging others 

or yourself 

Not bringing all your intention 


Creates space in your brain 

And your brain will get new ideas 






Put your energy here!


Pursue how you want to  BE!

Then the actions will automatically follow. 



Curiously enough, the more free and enjoyable a place is, 

the more people want to do the same thing. 




 Why do people want to "imitate" others? 

It's certainly a good technique for learning

"as if you've become that person" 

However, there is a deeper meaning for "imitation" 




When people are imitated they become kind to everyone

Happiness starts from "people imitating each other"

In places where imitation is happening, 
the person imitating feels stronger bonds with the person he/she is imitating, 
and the person being imitated feels stronger bonds with the broader society.



【OFFICIAL】京太郎 vs 実方 宏介 第17試合/

【眠活ヘッド整体Dr. HEAD Presents】

スーパーファイト/2021年3月28日 ~K’FESTA.4 Day.2~











"LINE VIDEO talk" is a miracle door to anywhere〜〜〜

A life of moving and living abroad!






Feel ecstasy in the excitement of removing boundaries!!! 

Change always happens suddenly!


I want to move through the miracle door〜〜〜

And fly there〜〜〜

Late night Q&A 〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s