Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Deep breaths "Inhale" 〜 "I'm glad..." and "exhale" 〜"thank you"

 Learning and〜〜〜

more learning〜〜〜

Information goes in from the left eye to the right brain (right brain=sensory) 

Information from the right eye goes to the left brain (left brain=thinking)

Leaning back makes it harder for information to be absorbed, 

and if you lean forward it makes it easier for the information to be absorbed. 

Where are you seeing yourself from? 


From your physical body?

From the elementary particles?

As universal power? 


You can connect with the other person and with the collective consciousness 





If you are conscious of these things, you can connect to your own consciousness! 

Unlimited loop (red is good) 


It doesn't get damaged. 

I release power 

We release power 


Physical body, Collective consciousness, universal energy 

Deliver your consciousness 

Just having the desire to will affect the other person. 



Breathe in〜I'm glad

Breathe out〜Thank you 

Do it 3 times 

7 times 

(337 ) 

Fractal structure 

The structure of the micro and the macro is the same 

(ie) the galaxy-cells

Parallel world 

Everything is happening at the same time 

The plus and the minus 

What you are conscious of is what will granulate


10% from your parents 

30% from life itself 

60% from every day life 

 ・the people 

 ・the information 

 ・and the environment 

you are involved with in your daily life. 

So start by changing your every day life! 

There is only the NOW

There is no past or future 

We are born and then we disappear 

We die and are born again 

We squeeze and then release 

It disappears and once again appears 




Change your sighs of "haaaa" 

into "hoooooo"! 



Hey Hey hooooo〜〜〜



and if you laugh your energy will increase! 



南前ひとみ 【zoomトークイベント】 みなみちゃんカフェ♪ - リザストお片付け 断捨離トレーナー コーチ メンタル 捨てる LO-C企画 やましたひでこ公認 断捨離®︎トップトレーナー 南前ひとみリンクresast.jp




He hit it again!



Yui Kadowaki-chan is really quite amazing 〜〜〜


↓↓↓This is so interesting too=↓↓↓


The attraction squadron rangers ♪

集客戦隊オモロインジャー\集客戦隊オモロインジャーの世界へようこそ/ このチャンネルは、これからの時代を生き抜くために必要となる様々なサービスツールやノウハウを、集客レンジャーたちがオモシロオカシク紹介していく『ゆるゆる系ビジネスチャンネル』です!またお会いできるように是非チャンネル登録も宜しくお願い致します! リンクwww.youtube.com


 "LINE VIDEO talk" is really a miracle door to anywhere!!!

Our job is to increase the denominator. 

Whether the numerator increases or not is up to the other person. 

We can't do this or that regarding 

 things we cannot control 〜

So we must do the part that we can. 

Communication is from 





Greeting /Social etiquette 


Sharing/Information exchange


Moving people and inviting others 

These are the 5 steps of communication! 

Let's increase our own level of communication〜

Reunion with old friends is really wonderful 〜


This is coming soon〜〜


Yesterday's photo shoot was wonderful too〜

Thank you so much!

Thank you Nakumura-kun


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

