Thursday, October 22, 2020

10 more days to this month. Think until there's smoke coming out. Whose help would it be good to get?


Today is the 22nd.

There are 10 more days left to the month. 

Divide the gap between your current state and your goal by 10. 

And now, think of ideas that will change the future, 

until there is smoke rising out of your head. 

For those who aren't good at thinking 

Thin of ideas of whose help you can get. 

Whose help can you get to embody the ideas? 

Ride on the shoulders of giants !!!


First, check your emotions!


Instead of raising your heart with your heart, 

use your body to raise your state!!!


The pose you take when you're happy 

The pose you take when you're having fun 

What poses do you take without knowing about it? 

What expressions do you make? 

Imagine you were tricked into doing it and just try it 

Raise your emotions to a higher state and then think. 

Life= Emotions! 

Get to your peak state 

To a state of beautiful emotions and a beautiful state 




Having tried fasting・・・

Humans are almost addicting to the desire to eat. 

My  body and my heart want to eat. 

There is that craving 

that keeps on advancing and poking at me 

When meditating Eshima-san said that long breaths are good 

so I tried that and it made it easier〜〜〜


I'm going to be meeting her today〜

I'm looking forward to it!


Today's schedule is・・・

I'll talk with YUI-san about fasting, 

cut my hair, at noon I'll talk with friends from LA, 

at 13:00 Nagisa and Shi-chan・・・

from 14:00 meet up with Eshima-san 

from 16:00 I'll go get a blood test 

and from 20:00 there will be a Q&A for future  Amway Research center 

and personal meeting 

and Aneo-san's IG life from 22:00 



 Akkun said they also went to SUP 〜〜

SUP at the river!!!


Grateful to everyone in each region!


Start up to create massive 3D printer

 aims for "manufacturing in space"