Friday, September 11, 2020

Promotional photo taken the other day! (lol)


Promotional photos we took the other day !!!(lol)




Honda-kun told me it was good. 

I wanna try it〜〜〜♪






Look at this・・・

(A mysterious detective company) 


"The future I saw" Author  Ryo Tatsuki Official Twitter








September came quickly and the motivation that came, surprisingly came and went in just 3 days. 

So this time I selected this book. 

You're doing good if "motivation" continues for 3 days. 

In other words, if you are continually a "mikkabozu" (continuing something for only 3 days)  

outwardly it will seem like you are continually motivated! 

This way of thinking saved me so many times. 

"Motivation for Mikkabozu"!! 


【Motivation for Mikkabozu 】(p:93 excerpt from "How to ignite motivation" )

"If you want to live a wonderful life, first start with

 'deciding you will do everything that you want to do.'" 

Do everything you want to do. 

You don't have to achieve everything. What is important is that you are going in that direction. 

If you do this, the scenery along the way will change. 

That in itself will create a dramatic and inspirational space for you." 

What I got from this page. 

"There are so many things I want to do, but there's too much that I don't know what to start with〜"

I was just talking about this with a friend the other day. 

Since we entered September, there are even more things that I want to do, 

and this motivated me to just get started and take action! 

And then not surprisingly that motivation lasts only 3 days 。。。

Which is why I picked up this book. 

For sure, the way the world looks when you start doing what you want does change. 

When our mindset changes, then our outlook changes. 

For example, the people you contact, the people you met, where you go, and how you spend your time. 

I reviewed my schedule again, 

and I was able to make at least 2 hours every day to spend doing what I want to. 

If I have 2 hours every day for this, there is lots of progress that could be made. 

It's like garbage days, as long as the collection days are decided it gets done. 

Thinking of it that way, gave me increased motivation again! 

And also, keeping the emotion of "I don'T have to achieve it. What's important is that I'm heading in the direction" keeps you more relaxed and unattached to the results. 

3 days after writing this, I will probably have lost my motivation again. 

When that happens, all I need to do is restart the "mikkabozu" again. 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s